
Are you seeing anyone?

FOUR YEARS? You waited FOUR YEARS to agree with me?!

Whoooaaaa, that was amazing. It was really weird! It's like Fergie had Eckhart pegged as a fratboy type, kind of went after him, and Eckhart, really acutely aware of it, finally cracked (twice). I don't think I've ever seen Craig Ferguson pick on someone like that before.

@avclub-a2bd92a4b5b334a8ad8d381dd31bd4c5:disqus Yeah, I think your read on the Shalhoub interview is right-on, in retrospect. Seems as if Shalhoub's sense of humor is kind of dignified and quiet, and he keeps peering at the audience nervously, all while Craig Ferguson makes every attempt to crack his stoicism. But

Noooooooo! I love the index card rip at the start of every interview! It's his little promise, every time, that the interview is going to be "off-book" and authentic. I love that! Genuinely love that!

At this point I've kind of fractured my version of Fred Armisen into two distinct people: the does-nothing on SNL, and the genius on Portlandia. I get that he's a hipster-out-of-water, but I wish he were more committed on SNL.

Me, too. It's kind of harrowing for me. But his Bruce Jenner was SO good, and he's really kind of freaky-awesome at dancing.

Not really an improvement.
"The interface in general has been improved upon in this outing: The pixel-hunting for gum (which can provide clues in puzzles) is gone, thanks to the cursor's ability to radiate out and show you what's clickable whenever you tap the mouse button."

I wondered about his turn in the Baxter as well, and kept reading for its mention. Ah, well.

I liked Human Nature a lot, too.

This is news to me. I guess the version of Walkabout we watched in the 7th grade was a "Teacher's Cut."

Old Dudes in Action Flicks
Look, all the Sylvester Stallones and Bruce Willises and Harrison Fordseses need to step the fuck back and make a little room for Kurt Russell already.