Then he invited me to attend his church.
Then he invited me to attend his church.
Then he invited me to attend his church.
Consider your curiosity satiated, because it sounds like angry Christians yelling while soft rock plays in the background.
Wasn't it kind of the point though that it was so over the top and didn't suit her at all? That's why she gets married in the vintage suit at the end that she picked out before getting pressured into this fuss. I agree: ugly dress. Just thought that it was intentionally ugly for the movie.
Gotta disagree with you on that last one... Steampunk awesomeness!
Is this the collective trauma caused by this dress the reason why it's so hard to find dresses with sleeves?
Actually, if you added a lining and removed the sleeves, this wouldn't be that bad… Granted, I would never pay thousands of dollars for it, but it wouldn't be that bad.
Dude, they have a fucking owl. This is the best wedding picture ever. Might be a little silly, but they went all the way round back to rad.
Ugh that show is a racist mess and does not help with the reputation of travelers, nor does help that most people think that gypsy is a slur.
Oh I know - it's amazing how those "bitches" are so sub-human, and the rest of us don't even count as women. We're not even part of the equation. But we don't deserve sex.
what they want isn't "most women", though. They feel entitled to the size 4, white, rich, blonde sorority girl (80% of this or more is about looking good to other men!) and see the women they could actually get as "beneath them".... while the women they want, are so far out of their league that they're in orbit. If…
You'd think two minutes wouldn't be much time, except for the fact that my phone exists so I can communicate with people I care about, not so that people I don't know who don't care about me can call five times a day when I'm working, talking to a friend, or eating dinner, because they feel like answering their…
I want to destroy every human who thinks it is okay to do shit like this. Just the biggest pieces of shit. And you know what is going to happen? He is going to have to pay a fucking fine, MEANWHILE, his dog is missing/homeless/dead.
What an asshole. I'm too filled with rage to do better. What. an. asshole.
"He jumped in front of my car but I felt he was triggered to do so as if, like, he was a mechanism of the surrounding people."
Occam was no fun at parties. Aliens is so much more fun as explanations go.
Everyone keeps looking for bizarre theories about what they're but has anyone else thought it might just be a really bored french guy going 'I know what will really fuck with people's heads'.
I guarantee you that it's YouTube fighting back. Learning how to speak, gaining sentience. The hubris of man, thinking we could control it.