
I just realized you were probably reacting to my “which is already like ‘fuck you’”...not that the vodka was top-shelf, but that it was vodka. I’m not a purist, I don’t believe the only good martinis are pure gin or that they’re “shaken not stirred” or that they are made with the original recipe that included orange

that’s definitely a Disney-style penis castle.

“He’s probably in his late teens now”

Unless someone’s killed him, he’s definitely in his late teens now, but I love the quiet hope in your wording.

Nothing - that wasn’t the point at all. He ordered top shelf and got it - and then complained that it was cheap rail liquor when it wasn’t (and I know it wasn’t because I saw the drink made and I am confident that that restaurant did not pull any switches like putting cheap liquor in top shelf bottles) - all to get

We had one of these “life hack” assfaces who once walked into the place where I worked, ordered a top shelf vodka martini (which is already just like “fuck you”) which he got, drank 4/5 of then complained it was bottom-shelf vodka, though I’d seen the bartender use ketel one. He gets another one comped (because of

Can’t speak for everyone here, but my feelings on PC policing of comedy is that...frankly we shouldn’t police comedy. If it’s funny, it’s funny. If something is funny, it’s generally not going to be insulting or awkward-discomfort-inducing in a lot of people. If it does produce that sort of

I’m like the opposite - I probably looked my dorkiest at 18. I peaked around 24, and looked pretty good at my wedding, and that was it.

No, I don’t think that this one video is the whole story. But I will eat my own hat (or I would if I owned a hat) if the father who made it isn’t somewhat or indirectly responsible.

And every person with underlying issues doesn’t kill themselves. You seem to really want to believe that that video bore no relation to her actions. The likelihood of your being right is quite small.

The public shaming was quite likely at least somewhat responsible.

I feel quite lucky to have a pretty decent sense of taste - I can tell good wine from bad (which is not the same thing as “tell expensive wine from cheap” at all), and I know pancake-syrup wine when I taste it. I’m not trained in wine, but I know a good one (for me, as per my taste) when I taste it.

And yet, if

I think it boils down to two things:

I lived in DC for 7 years and I never accepted Fairfax as “suburban DC”, because as a DC-ite without a car I could not go there. For all intents and purposes it did not exist.

I think they’ll get there too. It’s not about them as people - it’s a group mentality thing that the tour groups need to get over. The culture in Taiwan stresses politeness almost to the same level as Japan’s (I’m trying very hard not to come across as someone with cliched/mildly racist views like “the Taiwanese are

“We have zero intention of putting ads on our platform; no change at all in policy.”

Uh huh, and back in 2006 the company I worked for said they had “no intention” of laying people off as a part of their strategy to boost productivity (which we were supposed to be excited about for some reason). “None at all, zero

Sadly it’s not working. I live in Taipei and...individual Chinese tourists are fine, 99% of the time. But in groups they’re just awful - it’s not like they’re terrible people, but the tours get this group mentality (which I think most tour groups around the world do) and just don’t get that the etiquette in Taiwan is

Back when I lived in the USA, I worked in finance for 2 1/2 years.

So for 2 1/2 years I pretended to be someone who gave a shit about finance.

Wrong! Working class schmoes can always go to “Oxbridge”.

No. Brussels sprouts taste the way farts smell. I don’t mean they smell that way. They TASTE that way, even when you cook them fancily or in a new way with delicious flavorings. Their base taste is “fart”.