
First, kudos to her for complaining. And boo on those men for being fuckwits, and not even being funny fuckwits (not that being funny would make it better).

To be fair, you also have to add some oil or butter and salt to the water, and you have to fluff it after about 5 minutes of letting it sit or it'll start sticking together like the gross kind of cream of wheat.

I believe you about the other stuff, but how does a roach fall out of a pepper grinder? Wouldn't it get ground out?

I believe that a boss at a restaurant would have made a worker at a rush time work while miscarrying, but I think the "bits of fetus" was a less-than-true detail. It's still horrible to make her work, but in a different way.

I didn't submit mine because the submission call came right at a time when I didn't have time to write up a story. Now I'm not sure, compared to this other stuff, that my former boss would have made it into the top 100 though.

Seems pretty clear to me that she didn't know, and people only know now in part because she went to police.

Well, many of my ancestors died in the Armenian genocide (1915 until about 1922) - not the same as the Holocaust (although Hitler did say "who remembers the Armenians?") but I grew up with that knowledge and it's been a part of my understanding of the world since I was old enough to have some understanding of the

I actually like the Gloria Steinem one, and considering how she presented herself and the era she lived in, it's actually quite...accurate. I don't think that one sense a message so much as shows us Gloria Steinem in cartoon form.

But good on ya (seriously!) for having a plus size section at all! That must be super hard with vintage items.

I saw, but the thing I liked and would have bought has a 22" waist...and I don't. :(

As a plus-sized woman, I hate that too - I adore vintage looks and have no problems wearing vintage clothes as long as they've been properly cleaned. But...there's never anything in my size and a lot of the old cuts and unforgiving fabrics don't look good on me regardless (even when not-overweight - and I have been

Fashion-wise I'm with ya.

My full-length beaver has a matching hat...

So, gloves were actually a thing women wore? That wasn't just something made up by out-of-touch etiquette books and Grandma? They actually wore gloves as a matter of course? I don't know, that just seems so odd because we never do it anymore, almost like culture shock, except it's my own culture.

Pffft. So the Internet works such that you get to be an asshole, and nobody can call you on it?

Yeah, no. Sorry, try again.

The one that scared me the most actually wasn't listed here - it was the one about Andras the Romanian (or Bulgarian, I forget) crazy murderer. Where they had to jump out the window into "what they hoped were animal remains" to get away while he stabbed a scarecrow that he thought was his wife.

I agree...that's the most terrifying. The only thing that made me wonder was how the cousin who came by and looked in the truck and "smelled blood" was also the cousin who was "famous for his sense of smell". How lucky, that the only guy in a position to smell what's in the car happens to be famous for his sense of

Wait, now. You're the one apeshit over changing one letter in a name someone you don't know may give their kid (as though they care about your opinion on the matter), and I'm the one who needs to chill? I'm not the one who has a problem changing an "A" to an "E" in a hypothetical name. So...I have a different opinion

I asked the Ayelet I know if she got picked on as a kid for her name. The answer was no. Sorry, try again.

Not If you pronounce the "eye" in "Eyelet" as..."eye". I pronounce the two exactly the same.