
I'm torn between Pillars of Eternity and The Witcher 3

My problem is finishing games in general. At the moment I'm probably in the last 5 - 10 hours of Pillars of Eternity and I feel it coming. That dread you get from knowing "I love this game, and I really don't want it to end … ever". I know that especially with PoE I can just start over again and do a whole different

haha no, I'm from Belgium :3 (not something you like to admit when online)
But Shin Chan was also dubbed here, in dutch then and it was fabulous. One of the rare times dubs were better than the original. The comical timing was spot on and you never got that weird feeling that what you saw didn't really match what you

I remember seeing Sailor Moon on TV when I was probably 10? Somewere around 2000. It was after Kenshin and Gundam Wing aired in my country, and Sailor moon was too girly girl for me. I was the only girl who watched Dragon ball Z (I had a kiddy crush on Picolo, if you can imagine), Kenshin, Batman and Gundam Wing.

I only started playing Zelda from the Oracle series, so I believed people when they said thet Link's awakening was the worst Zelda. This article however has made me very sad that I never had the opportunity to play it. I'm pretty sure I would have loved it :)