
Neeson still has two upcoming revenge thrillers he’s already shot: “Hard Powder,” in which he plays a snowplow driver who faces off with drug dealers

I had a moment where I got mad thinking about 13 yr old millennials loving this song and not realizing it’s a cover of a great band and then I remembered 13 yr old me when I heard Lenny Kravitz’ cover of “American Woman”. Rock on millennials... still dont understand the 1D hype.

I like every era of the Mac. You can hear that unique Mac sound and feel all the way through the Nicks Buckingham era.

I don’t think anyone champions Fleetwood as innovators a la Zeppelin. They just made good, heartfelt pop music. It doesn’t have to be a competition.

Yup. “Something in the way she moves.... Attracts me like no other lover.” Great song, highly underrated Beatles song. But then again the George Harrison ones never get as much love, do they. Although While My Guitar Gently Weeps is a top 5 Beatles song for me. Also, once George Harrison and Patti divorced, Eric

Funny story: The Chain (and a bunch of songs on that album, Rumours) was written because each of the relationships within Fleetwood Mac was falling apart, and everyone started to hate each other. One person in the middle of that drama was the wife of Mick Fleetwood, Jenny Boyd. So The Chain was partly written about

I am in the very, very small minority that has never particularly liked Fleetwood Mac, but watching Harry watch Stevie sing “Leather and Lace” was one of the best moments I’d had in a while. His absolute awe of her made me enjoy it much more than I otherwise would have.

Totally agree. She brought it and then some in the Handmaid’s Tale, especially considering that she was opposite the always awesome Elizabeth Moss. The thing with Alexis Bledel is that her super pretty innocent looks and history on GG belie the fact that she is much better in darker fare (ie. Madmen and The Handmaid’s

That 3rd episode left me shaking. And not just for a few minutes after finishing. Like HOURS. It was one of the best hours of TV that I’ve ever watch which I will never watch again.

Really never thought Alexis Bledel would ever have impressed me as an actor, but truly she did an amazing job as Ofglen. Her scenes cut me deep.

i am not sure this was a great website to even report this on. we all get news from conventional sources too. this site is really not a good place to put the tragedy of a conservative(who rightly was dismissed for bad behavior, but still) individual. I expect some to be able to maintain decorum...but on gawker this

It’s not even just comedies for me, shows like ‘How to Get Away With Murder’ didn’t seem to have a single likeable person on the show (at first, might be better, I gave up).

Shows like It’s Always Sunny are great, because they are presenting them as total jerks, but they’re usually skewering some issue.

Because of Mindy Kaling’s work on the office, I really wanted to like this show but I could never get into it. I no longer have any patience for shows that with horrible people as protagonists but don’t acknowledge it. I love It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia because it’s super aware that The Gang are the worst. I get

Agreed. Karma should ensure Eric Bolling suffers. NOT his children.

19 is just so damn young. That’s all I’ve got. No snark, no blame, no speculation.

That “most qualified person ever to run for President” thing is really ridiculous spin. Clinton is pretty qualified, sure - Secretary of State, Senator, various policy initiatives in her husband’s White House, work as a lawyer and on Wal-Mart’s board of directors.

But there have been plenty of Presidents and

Wait, you do know that Degrassi: The Next Generation was built around the daughter of a teen mom featured in the original series, right? In fact, the daughter herself had been featured, though not by the same actress, of course.

She has three. Jace, Kaiser, and Ensley.

She didn’t “get it.” People were suffering in the midwest... she ignored them, because she thought she had the election all sewn up and she didn’t need them. They responded to her arrogance by handing her a devastating loss. Even Michigan, a reliable Democratic stronghold, went with Trump instead.

Deb from Shameless?