
Those are just details... what really matters is that the kid probably was rude to someone at some point in his life and was aggressively retreating away from the officer towards a group of nuns/puppies. Probably.

Is this from the Guy Fieri Kids line? Flavor Town Tyke?


That metal flame shirt is bringing be back to like 6th grade and all the gross boys I went to middle school with.

Someone who just got handed a giant tax break by a republican congress?

I don’t think rich kids finger paint or do messy things. They probably have baby doubles to do that kind of peasant work.

I’m reasonably certain there’s no recipe for The Outfit In Which You’re Supposed to Feel Awesome. Personally, I look like a hausfrau in a cardigan and I think wedges are tacky as shit. I think that’s why everyone chooses her own outfit—because opinions vary? Some people feel like they don’t like how they look

I have so much less problem with the tits and ass aspect than I do with the fact that they’re never situationally appropriate. Ariel, there are clothes for daytime and evening. That is an evening dress. Do you see how the kid next to you is wearing khakis? That’s not because his tuxedo pants were at the cleaners.

I agree that it is her right. However, there is something to be said for learning how to dress appropriately for the event, which I’m sure will come with age. Her outfit would be fine for like, the VMAs. Really, my only issue is that she is dressed for the wrong event. I miss having such a hot body and wish I was

I mean I have a photo of me at 18 half naked in a trucker hat & hemp necklace. It still makes me cringe even though I look banging.

I just think the things she picks tend to look hideous on her body. It’s rarely very flattering. I have to say I’m glad my hideous fashion choices that made me feel grown up & sexy were not photographed to the extent Ariel’s are.

She got some really stupid criticism about her outfits for a while just because she happened to have boobs, but lately every time I see a picture of her I’m like, there’s no way you didn’t choose that outfit to get the reaction. Wear what you want, but something about the “wears an outfit - PEOPLE RAGE - SHE RAGES -

My little brother calls my mom “Mother”. Nobody taught him that and none of the rest of us call her that. It drives her nuts because she thinks it sounds Norman Bates-ish. “Well, MOTHER says (etc)..” is how he’ll start a sentence frequently.

Goldie didn’t have star all these years? She’s had an Oscar for almost 50 years! But you’ve gotta love Goldie and Kurt getting them together.

Then after their exciting trip and spa-day abortion, it’s off to celebrate with lobster and champagne brought with food stamps before hitting the town in their Caddy with free Obama cellphones to smoke the crackweed and get knocked up again.

I think that a Miley Alt-Country album would whip all of the ass.

(remember John Norris?!)

I’m not hugely into of either one of them, but that Liam Hemsworth is with Miley really endears me to him. I feel like that kind of dude is usually with a mainstream it girl, but I like the way he’s stuck by the weird chick and seemingly not tried to turn her back to a Disney princess.

I kinda love her too in that she is a strong contralto and can really sing, she just needs more practice and coaching. At least she’s done some charitable work for LGBTQ teens and young people, and she and the Hemsworth seem to really love each other.

I kinda love Miley, half of Bangerz was really good (Drive,someone else), the other half was quite horrible (the rapping in particular), I’ll give this new album a try and act like the last one didn’t happen (Dead Petz... RIP).