
I am with you, I don’t think it woukd have made a difference. Right wing tv/radio would have dismissed it as an Obama/Clinton conspiracy. I mean look at all the proof we have right now and 47% of the American public somehow believes Obama personally ordered wiretaps on Trump. Truth and facts have no effect on them.

Same on all points(wine included) but would it really have made a difference? I personally don’t think so. There just would have been something else to yell about. Sigh. These two months have exhausted me to no end.

How could he make it hard for her to work? And what is all this “he’s her boss” stuff? She’s a mega-star - way bigger than him. She probably has a way better chance of getting pretty much any movie she wanted made. He’d have to do a lot more scrambling.

And his live shows are AMAZING. I’ve seen him twice, and am making plans for a third this summer.

I mentioned below I was involved with a guy in his late 40s when I was in my early 20s. I’m now 33 and have a thing with a 60 year old. The conversations are the best; mature and intellectual, treats me with respect but OMG also knows exactly when to cross the line and be authoritative say the things that make me melt

Skarsgard is SO GOOD IN THIS! I didn’t think he was that great on True Blood (served the character fine, but meh), but I’m really impressed with him in Big Little Lies. On Sunday’s episode, when Celeste said she was going to dinner with Jane and he watched her walk out of the house, I was terrified.

Adam Scott is good as the moral conscience for Reese’s character, but dear Dog, I become physically afraid every time Skarsgard’s Perry walks into the frame. THAT is award level work. He does a damn near perfect rendering of a smiling abuser, and you never know which one is going to pop out and when.

Either I’m an idiot or what...But I think all the ladies are turning in GREAT performances even the tertiary mothers are great. There is a lot of nuance in this show that is just mind-blowing.

I think it’s because a lot of her struggle has been internal. She hasn’t gotten the type of scenes Kidman gets in the therapists office. Also the abuse she’s suffered has only been shown in quick flash back cuts. I think she’s been great, but the character is just very different from Witherspoons and Kidmans.

They are so good. They take you with them in sadness, then bop you with little moments of clever jokes or a look, and it’s wonderful.

He is by far my favorite character on this show. He has so much depth and nuance. I just love him.

Everyone who says the show should be called “This is Randall” is spot on.

Yeah, Nicole’s great in it, but I’ve been saying Reese FTW since her first scene, and she’s just been getting better.

His character is HUSBAND MATERIAL in nearly every single way, except one: He’s a late bloomer, and suffers from their common affliction of still viewing himself through the lens of junior high and not as the grown-ass man he is. He’s all but told Reese that he’s grateful she deigns to keep him around, because she’s

I think Kidman just gets to be in all the best scenes - her therapy sessions with Calamity Jane. And not just for the great soliloquies, either - their interaction with each other, both as people whose profession is/was manipulating people via conversation and careful choice of words, are absolutely masterful. Weigert

It is a very well written character, and Reese has imbued it with such humanity. I’m very impressed.

I love Adam Scott too, and I think he is quite good in this. He is supposed to be kind of meh in general and a safe, stable second-husband for Reese’s character. He is there to mellow out some of her the more fiery aspects of her character which is why they work. The scenes where he argues on the beach with her first

Nicole is doing the heaviest lifting by a long shot but I can’t get over how much I love Reese in this. I don’t know if I’ve ever related to a character so much, and I’m not even a parent. The emotional compartmentalization, the leftover hurt, the boneheaded mistakes...just, very real stuff, I feel.

i don’t know, i like shailene in this, she manages to play her ptsd very well. the performance started off quietly but in the last few episodes she has really shown how unsettled Jane really is. the cast as a whole is amazing, but overall Nicole has just put in an amazing performance. the scenes with her therapist

She is very good in this and her face has settled so it isn’t distracting at all. I love her scenes in therapy.