It happens all the time. Just depends on how people take the disappointment of being relegated to the sidelines.
It happens all the time. Just depends on how people take the disappointment of being relegated to the sidelines.
Or even as bad as rape by deception (Revenge of the Nerds).
The Fresh Prince’s Auntie in Bel Air show running in her mind must have been awesome.
Right? Of course I heard about Warren Beatty, but I didn’t get it because he is old enough to be my grandfather. Then I saw Splendor in the Grass and was like, “I get it now...”
She’s bitter AF.
Really? You like her for slut shaming a complete stranger whose nude pictures she can just chose not to look at if they offend her? Khloe was super shitty with how she responded to it, but Chloe was out of line for attacking KK’s nudes. But I know on jezebel a lot of commenters think the Kardashians are tacky sluts…
Mr. Bees and I have created an elaborate headcanon for all HGTV shows. My favorite fake detail is that poor JD Scott is actually named Jonathan Drew Scott.
I probably would have taken them. I’m also the kind of person who used to accept cocaine from strangers though, so.
I agree. As the mother of teenaged boys, let me state: they dumb. I certainly understand where Chloe G M is coming from, but I can see that the kid probably didn’t realize it could be taken as creepy. They are early in their development of skills with women and I hope someone takes this kid aside and lets him know…
Context...they were in a yea, Cusack standing outside her window playing one of the best love songs ever made...on one of the crappiest boom boxes every produced was appropriate...
Teenage boys in trench coats have lost some cachet the last 18 years or so.
It’s not, but that’s the 80s for you.
Man, Shawn Mendes. I know otherwise good people who still like Ed Sheeran but I know NO ONE who actually admits to liking Shawn Mendes. How did he happen?
It is perfectly acceptable radio music.
Catering to the lowest common denominator is no excuse. It is exactly how we ended up with what we now have at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Ah, so it’s a case of extreme misrepresentation of the facts in this post. Thanks for clarifying, because it was making me uncomfortable.
Clicking through to the ITV article, it sounds like she was jailed for contempt of court, not a noise violation per se. Apparently she’d made a lot of disturbances so she got sued and the court ordered her to stop being so loud. She was jailed for violating the court order.