
If you truly believe in this form of “justice”, then you should be required to actually WATCH it happen. It should be like jury duty.

To quote Ned Stark, “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you

Eh I’m not sure that’s it. The support for the death penalty in this country is much higher than the percentage of people in this country who have been convicted of a felony. But being supportive of the death penalty and actually wanted to watch someone die are not the same thing. It’s not unlike the gap between

The No-Felony rule probably knocks a lot of them out of contention. I’ve noticed that the people most likely to support the DP are actually likely to be criminals (but fer freedoms and gunz) themselves.

Where’s all the pro-death penalty people? You’d think they would be pouncing all over this! .maybe I’ll tell my mom they’re looking for witnesses!

Yeah, I’m kind of baffled by the assertion that any celebrity who talks about their children in public by definition has no right to privacy. It’s like saying, “If that actress didn’t want her naked pictures stolen, she shouldn’t have provoked interest by showing skin in movies!”

You probably just didn’t see her in Crime Scene: Scene of the Crime. Naturally, Dax played the Masturbating Dog Killer.

Parenthood is so much better. This Is Us is amazing, but there is something that is missing and I can’t put my finger on it just yet.

passing legislation that restricts access to celebrities

Loved Parenthood. And while I love This is Us, Parenthood was the better show because there was a lot more happy in it. It didn’t have Randall and Beth though so maybe This is Us is better.

If you have worked at a medium or large company for more than 6 minutes, you learn you can’t waste energy getting upset everytime senior leadership tries to frame a decision that can harm employees in a positive way.

I read the links just to be sure I didn’t miss anything and all I found was this:

Not really clear on what they expected him to say? I mean, he says, “Hey, folks still working at US Weekly, this is going to be really good for you and the people who have acquired you are good people to work for,” and he says, “Hey, folks who are still working with us, don’t worry, this is part of a bigger plan

On Monday, her uncle Reginald King says he saw her on a Facebook Live stream, where she was being sexually assaulted by at least six attackers.

I don’t understand the timeline of events here or this part of the uncle didn’t do something about it.

I think that would depend on the exact schematics of how the counter works. All the videos on Facebook play automatically, so they’ll start even if you’re just scrolling or are answering a message. If autoplay is indicated in the count, then I think it would be difficult to make charges stick—as autoplay is the

of course.

Here on in, what percentage of her meals will have spit in them?

No lie, that sounds like Donald Trump tweeting from Deeley’s account.

I was really impressed by Miley’s breadth of knowledge in music. Like she was really good at tapping songs for her contestants that were far less obvious than other coaches would do, and wasn’t afraid to try new or weird things.

Personally, I feel that Gwen spends a lot of time telling female contestants how good they look which is a total turnoff.