
It was my understanding that, with proper treatment and rehabilitation, child molesters actually have some of the lowest rates of recidivism. In point of fact, the strongest argument for ratcheting down our post-conviction restrictions on child molesters, like restrictions on passing by or living within 1000 feet of a

It’s the Annette Benning vs. Denise Richards debate. Women who fall in love with habitual womanizers often believe they’re going to be Annette Benning whereas they end up being the Denise Richards in the long run. The former is the rare reception (usually because the guy decides to settle down with whomever he’s with

I had to pretend to like Bush because my friends loved Bush.

Her brother left the movement and offered to take her and the kids in. It may be an imperfect situation but I’d think better than exposing your kids to a molester.

Yeah. If you’re repeatedly getting pregnant with a sex offender’s babies, then you’re at least temporarily an unfit mother. If this family were black and lacking in a television contract, there’d be no question. The government would’ve been heavily involved years ago.

I felt sorry for her until she had a bunch of children. At this point, the children’s well-being must supersede whatever cult the parents enjoy. You’re advocating for additional brainwashing, indefinitely.

It’s true that she’s brainwashed, but by that extent, so is he. I’m not minimizing that brainwashing: I grew up with a sadistic mother who abused me every moment of my day, took my money, didn’t allow me to drive, and once even called a college I got into to tell them I couldn’t attend because I had died...but I got

Which has nothing to do, you will admit, with what happened to him in the story being reported by Jezebel.

Horrible, hateful, disingenuous headline. Shame on you Anna. Again.

...But nobody is arguing differently? I haven’t seen anybody here argue that women who are harassed shouldn’t be taken seriously. You’re arguing a point nobody disputed. I did point out that legally, Quinn and Eichenwald are regarded as different because his case would be classified as an actual assault, whereas her’s

Let me try again.

This headline/framing is a depressing example of how all of us, even those that hate trump, have internalized his divisive, with-us-or-against-us rhetoric that nonsensically twists every story into a battle. And, like trump, it is selfish, shortsighted, and incredibly damaging - because it’s not only about whatever

Yeah, that was kind of legit disgusting.

No, but I do think the article minimized the seriousness of what occurred. A seizure can be fatal, given the right circumstances (one of the primary killers of epileptics is falls they sustain when they’re triggered). What happened to this man is very, very serious and the person who did it deserves to be arrested.

Not so sure how I feel about this title.

Thank you for this. The nazi fuck purposely sent a gif to an epileptic Jew with the hopes of triggering a seizure. That is assault and a hate crime.

I’m conflicted. I have photo sensitive epilepsy and I’m a feminist. I think doing both of these things is reprehensible but only one of these things has caused me to be hospitalized and lose my drivers license.

This was a gross headline.

The difference between something happening and something being threatened.

Not a fan of this headline. Yeah, the FBI needs to step up their game on threats made against women online, but that doesn’t mean this investigation happening wasn’t important precedent. Someone found a new way to harm someone through the internet, in a way people hadn’t really been considering before. Want to cause