
I married my husband because he looks like Ewan McGregor’s younger brother. I even get him to talk to me in a Scottish accent when I can’t reach orgasm.

Drew went to Syracuse University, as did I. He was in a frat and he used to do our frat parties, we used to pay him in beer and shit. Typical frat guy, but obviously talented. If you know anything about SU you would know that it has a very large jewish demographic and that song was specifically lampooning that “JAP”

That awful song with the line “your roommate back in Boulder” (?) is theirs. I couldn’t stand it but still managed to hear it at least once a day for at least 3 months.

I was glad to see how well Raven handled being rejected. That girl took it like a CHAMP. He was standing there, blubbering all over the place and she held her head high. Good for her.

I love BIP. I feel it strips away fake-pearl clutching of the Bachelor’s the “oh, she kissed him/slept with him” drama. On BIP, they are jumping into bed like it is no big deal. I think the juxtaposition is hilarious. Just wish there was a way that they didn’t have to fake-couple up to make it to the next week.

I’m more distracted by his mouth never moving when he talks. Are we sure there isn’t a hand up his ass?

“When the president said he doesn’t like black people, what he meant was that he doesn’t like it when the lights are out in the White House and he can’t see anyone. To read anything else into his statement, ‘I Donald Trump, hate people with dark colored skin, specifically those who are descended from slaves forcefully

Trump is basically trying to gaslight the entire country.

Clearly, Obama is tapping Trump’s brain wires, because Trump is bizarrely obsessed with Barack Obama.

Maybe they should play siblings instead of lovers?

Edgerton was awesome in Loving. And that could be a role that a critic argues about a“one-note” style. But I think those types of roles, while maybe not hard to pull off, they’re really hard to pull off at a high level. It’s a fine line between hamming it up to really making the viewer feel the pain.

Fair enough. I respectfully disagree. I know what you mean about his “lack of” acting so to speak, but I actually think that’s what makes it so impressive. I honestly believed him. And in that role, with what ends up happening to him and what he has to deal with, I think it’s extremely challenging to play a role like

“Also, I bet when she watches Titanic, she thinks she’s Rose. Sorry girl, you’re Billy Zane.” I lost it at that part.

Dogs named Oliver are the best dogs.

I started watching because I fell in love with everything about Schmidt. Max Greenfield is amazing, also because the writing for him has been soooo good. But yeah, Jess has been annoying way too many times. I eyerolled every time they found a reason for Zoe Deschanel to sing. We get it, she sings. Also, when she’s 40,

I think I made it two episodes in with them dating.

I think once they lost Damon Wayans Jr a second time, my interest waned. Coach and Winston/Fire and Ice forever.

I never got into this show. I tried, but just found Zooey Deschanel’s “Look at me! I’m sooooo quirky and cute! Even though I’m 31 and really should be past this try-hard phase, by now!” shtick to be excruciatingly painful to watch. I just couldn’t.

I’m sorry, you just called Casey Affleck out for being “two note” and then suggested the Oscar should have gone to the guy who plays “Denzel Washington” in every single movie he’s in?

Spoiler alert—look away if you haven’t seen it.