
Totally agree! Arrival was my favorite of all the pics, and Amy Adams was robbed as well.

Seconded on Williams. In that one scene, without even saying it, she made the audience vividly aware of all those things she must have said to Casey’s character in the aftermath of the accident. The audience never heard those things, but we all knew what they were. Impressive bit of acting

Agreed about Joel Edgerton. The movie itself was a little uneven at times (still quite good) but hot damn the acting in that movie was fantastic. Ruth and Joel deserved more than they got for those performances.

I’m with you, and I’ll take it a step further. I double dog dare anybody in the industry to make a verbal or non-verbal statement about Michael Fassbender or Sean Penn the next time they’re nominated. Where were everyone’s balls last year when Fassbender was nominated? He was accused of abusing his ex girlfriend.


I’ll guess we will have to agree to disagree. Can we at least agree that Michelle Williams deserved her Oscar? Her scene with Casey where she just unloaded years of baggage about a certain plot point was just stunning to watch.

So true, Mel Gibson is another example of a talented scumbag. Hacksaw Ridge was a really great movie made by a potentially really cruddy human being that I enjoyed.

Casey Affleck was brilliant in Manchester by the Sea and absolutely deserved his Oscar. I don’t know where I would draw the line at not seeing great art because of the conduct of the artist, but to me at least, Casey Affleck didn’t cross that line.

I suppose this is an unpopular opinion, but i thought Larson hugging all the survivors last year reeked of self-importance. I was meh about her before that. After i thought she was a phony. Sorry, I don’t get the love.

Nah, I think she was legit tired and closed her eyes. I also think she’s a thirst bucket who would do something like that hoping someone would notice.

It would have been mentioned, but Tennessee is currently in mourning because WH’s co-founder just died.

prescribing his employee-lover-patient-cousin opioids

Had an affair.

To be fair, this guy clearly cares a LOT about family.

I had a completely different attitude. Sick days and paid time off are a contractual obligation for teachers. If you take a sick day the kids will survive 

So is paula Patton’s nanny calling 911 because robin thicke was violating the restraining order or because the son didn’t want to see his father and begged her to call 911?? Very confused

How is he violating a restraining order if it was an agreed upon time and place?

I fucking hate St. Patrick’s Day and this year, not only is it on a fucking Friday, but I have to go to New Orleans for work from the 16th to 18th. Like, I love NOLA but NOLA on a Friday night that also happens to be St. Patrick’s Day? I’d sooner die.