
I don’t recall there being much fan rage in the days of BBSes and AOL and whatnot. Usenet had its flamebait forums and that was about it. Also, I’ve never been that invested in fandom so a lot of that passed me by. Fine. Even in the early days of the actual internet, the occasional forum post? The occasional

Something like Batman should be more serialised. It works best as self-contained “case files” that show an aspect of a character or the world itself.

i am guilty of this and even though i still struggle with it, i try very hard not to anymore. kevin smith said something either in an interview or a podcast or something like a year ago and i believe he was talking about the then recently announced joker movie starring joaquin. he knew a lot of people were cringing,

I’d add in that, however much the MCU contradicted itself, or looped back on itself and retold the same story, or retconned itself from one movie to another, it nevertheless all hung together because it remembered that character is king. From a strictly plot perspective, the Iron Man films were pretty maddening,

Yeah, I imagine that the Church guys who persecuted the Cathars looked a lot like the Cringey McButtHurts broadcasting on YouTube from their parents’ basements.


Yeah the only Arrowverse show worth watching is Legends of Tomorrow and it’s funny how much the Legends hate participating in crossovers.

My boyfriend and I were in the moving in together process before this shit show began, and for practicality reasons (shared food reserves, companionship, if one person gets sick someone can drive them to the hospital etc) decided to quarantine in my apartment.

Seriously. Kicking someone who’s clearly down in the guise of praise is gross. Especially since Joan clearly needs all of the other writing assignments to get by. These sort of pieces take more time than an aggregated gossip column. She can’t make a living on them alone, at least not at this phase of her career. 

Maybe you should stop writing compliments -- you’re bad at it.


For so many people to have let him slide for so many years when he almost certainly raped his child, is all the more confounding when you consider the well-known fact that he had an affair with and married what was ostensibly his other minor child. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ. Does he have to show you a video to get

“Apropos of Nothing” sounds like the douchiest title ever for an autobiography

A terrible candidate is still a terrible candidate no matter the sexual orientation?

Personally, I love the reveal...because it shows once and for all that the Doctor could be literally anyone from anywhere. Any world, any universe. You could end up becoming the Doctor in a future incarnation. Or you. Or you. It doesn’t matter who you are here. The future is full of possibilities.

I love that *this* is what you think about and care about when you just read a commentor’s story of abuse of her and her friend.

Here’s the problem with forgiveness and why I loathe calls for it: victims are expected to forgive the perpetrators who, most of the time, have done nothing to merit absolution let alone ask for it. Plus there are some things, like murder, where “I’m sorry” isn’t going to cut it for some people, like myself!

Woodward, of course, was not the only journalist of his era who brushed those allegations aside. Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter, in his memoir Reporter, had this to say on why he chose not to report on the abuse allegations: “All I could say is that at the time I did not—in my

Biden lost every presidential race he attempted and only was chosen as VP to assuage the anxieties of white folks who couldn’t quite stomach voting for a black man named Barack Hussein Obama.

Ten years ago an openly gay candidate would never have gotten this level of attention or support.