I’m not american, but since this is your holiday and all, i thought it fitting to ask you people a question about your country.
I mean on the bright side at least they told her no because boys are apparently quite stupid and need their own special hand-holding club.
“We know money cannot replace the wedding we lost and our perfect day,”
Omg would recommend to so many people.
So...what, they’re doing their impressions of their favourite confederate soldiers?
I’m not saying I wouldn’t do the drugs, but I would definitely be upset if someone said let’s get tacos and then didn’t follow through with tacos. No matter the reason.
No, you should still be embarrassed for liking “Billy Madison.”
Speaking from a career of selling photographs on behalf of photographers who regularly shoot famous people:
I had an English teacher once who used to say "the guilty dog barks first." I tip my hat to him for giving me the perfect saying to encompass this situation.
That is clearly a black and blue riding crop.
Lighten up, Francis.
This makes me want to cry. She was so brave and so amazing. I want to be this cat when I grow up.
I don't usually delight in the demise of other people's relationships, but I am so happy and relieved that Charlize ditched that piece of shit.
I have a dear friend who was ghosted. It was one of the cruelest things I’ve ever seen and it took so much longer to recover that I think it would have from a “regular” breakup.
I’d been a cheerleader/party girl in high school and my friend was super brilliant. By the time we were in our thirties, we both had babies. She was a lawyer and I had just started an MA in English literature. We were walking our babies together and chatting and she was talking about a case she was working on.
What I’m looking forward to most is the lack of controversial statements in the comments.