
Can she foster senior corgis once she’s sadly corgi-less? I DON’T WANT HER TO BE WITHOUT A CORGI!


At a certain point in the growing-up process, a person has to accept that their parents are human beings with flaws. Ivanka’s continued apparent denial and defense of just how damaged and flawed her father is indicates either that she is okay with his horrific behavior or that she has failed to grow up in this very

I had not seen that before. I am now fully in love with that clip and want to marry it.

I miss Clyde...

I will watch b/c Janet Varney *heart*eyes*


I literally sat in the theater and thought to myself, “What the actual fuck,” when the prologue explained the set-up.

Early Harry Potter is middle grade — and well-done middle grade if not high art. They were shelved alongside Diana Wynne Jones and Laura Ingalls Wilder and the entire series was house there, though some bookstores also put copies in the YA section, too. (Though by the later books, there were special displays, etc., so

It’s such a shame. If only she’d done things differently, the series might’ve really taken off.

The ability to manifest cold symptoms at will was one of the joke mutant powers of the “superheroes” who wanted to help Darkwing Duck.

This (cw app) is literally the best news I’ve gotten all week. Possibly all month.

I watched several clips and only got one commercial -- I’m sure they will have all the regular commercial breaks but it seems as if they may be taking it easy on the number of commercials in them? We can hope? But, I mean, it’s all free and has all the back episodes of everything, so if that’s how they’re funding it,

Except far too many Americans don’t move on and stay in cynicism forever thinking its intellectually more honest to believe the worst of everybody and everything (except the exceptions they randomly decide to except).

“...Brylan brought home what looks to be between one and one and half pounds of squirrel meat in his backpack.”

Corden is not a try-hard; he is legit earnest and enthusiastic and not embarrassed about it (see his Tony’s number).

“both sides”

Ooooo, these grapes are sour!

I shall forever associate him and his work with the unsolicited dick pix that he pretended he didn’t know were not cool to send to people.

It is never just cutesy-wootsy, silly-boys-will-be-boys poor judgment. Ever.