
No maybes. Paul is made of all the awesome.

I have Black Canary Barbie mint in the box and she is GLORIOUS!

Is it possible she *is* Andy Kaufman?

You know how dumb I am? I honestly thought you were going to tell me she'd written a poem mocking Chait.

I had that EXACT THOUGHT when all the killing starting happening. I'm like, "But what about Buffy catching the sword?"

Welp. I see we've reached it: This is the exact moment when I stopped holding out hope for some kind of RDJr kind of recovery/second act for this girl.

OMG, that butt in the face thing! My cat does this to me ALL THE TIME! I feel you, dog. It's from love but it's still an uninvited butt in the face.

I look forward to this super-competent group of people mass-shooting themselves in their many foots with their own guns.

Yes, but to be fair, that last HP book was enormous and had a decent act break where they split it. There is no excuse for the Hobbit trilogy.

D'oh! You're right. I haven't listened in awhile and goofed on who was whom.

Awww, that's both sweet and sad! I mean, it's totally, "Bu-but, I want to have sex with YOU LADIES! You could make up stories about that maybe?" and if someone was writing stories about me and my platonic friends, that would freak me out, too, but it's really sad that their response was they weren't good enough.

ReplyAll and Serial are both descendants of This American Life (Serial directly and ReplyAll is sort of a 1st cousin once removed via Planet Money via Gimlet), so they do tend to be produced similarly and have a similar sound.

"His hot tub was in the shape of Science itself and was the only one of its kind in the world."

Yeah, I found out about it because I follow one of the people they've sucked into their crazy conspiracy (he has the same last name as Eleanor so OF COURSE they must be related o_O).

I stand corrected!

Dude. There is such a fine line between fandom and stalking for some people. SUCH A VERY FINE LINE!

I wonder a lot about how many slash ficcers have brothers because the way some of them write boys is... un-boy-some.

Dean/Crowley and aspects of Dean/Castiel are played against the showrunners' awareness of fandom's desires. Not so much the brothers (though they do reference it in both their fandom-focused episodes, the second of which [this year's Fan Fiction] is the superior meta show on the subject, for one because it realizes

I think you're totally correct on that and that's probably why it's rarer than boyslash.

There does seem to be that tendency, though way more with boys than girls, but in the Korra case, I think the show-runners really did lay the groundwork very well for a slow, developing friendship-into-love. I mean, I didn't know they would go there but the interpretation was entirely justified by the actual plot.