
"I control most of the world already!"

Yes, it does! The promos contained footage!

I had a copy of that, too, though I think it was just one issue and it was called "God's Smuggler."

OMG, I had HANSI (I may still have it somewhere... *shudder*). It's about a girl who was in the Hitler Youth and was all gung-ho about the Fatherland and Hitler and everything, but then she starts to have a crisis of faith when the men coming back from the Russian Front are not all happy about the Glorious Reich.

I was just thinking that. Alias's was just a genius pilot. And VM's was great, too, but damn. Alias. Just: damn.

As I understand it, they do make some pilots and then they *air them all* and make shows from the ones that do really well. Other shows just get made as Gonne said, but I think those are usually established show-runners.

Buffy. The promos before the show aired. I just knew I was going to love it to pieces. Still do.

Is the next Explainer going to about why you can't stop hitting yourself when riding in the back seat of the car with your siblings?

I know! I was sure it was a joke or a fan-thing but it is NOT! YAY! More Ponds!

Well, there's always Tom Hiddleston!

Oh, no, was that a fixed point in time? I hate when we change those. So much paperwork!


"You know what I hate? When your racist prosthetic eyelids start to chafe! In the old days, they knew how to apply facial latex for comfort and durability."

Best Venn diagram ever?

I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here and say that this guy's a tool

Why can't we women just calm down, amiright? This dude was trying to have a nuanced conversation, but we had to go and ruin it with our emotions and facts and shit.

Why is your thinking the baseline? Maybe you're underthinking.

As KissKissBoom said, Beck and O'Reilly but also I hear it about Limbaugh a lot.

This is a country suffering from decades of rewarding proud, willful ignorance, so the answer is yes. (Many) People in this country really do not understand... well, anything about how our system of government works.