Jen Mooney

I'm just happy to have been in on the experience since the beginning. I know where I'll be next week when WGN presents its marathon.

We (husband and I) were watching "The Strain," but when we read about "Manhattan," we gave THAT one up in a flash. We've been ardent supporters since the beginning, and we were hoping for a second season. Quality stuff!

;-) I should certainly hope he'll be back. John Benjamin Hickey is perfect in the role. Such an expressive face and such a nuanced performance.

Thanks, Lucas! That would be an interesting plot development.

Are we absolutely sure that it's Frank in the backseat of that car? Since the final quarter of the episode was so filled with twists, could it be Glen, who — during the conversation with Frank in his office, as he's packing — offhandedly mentioned Moscow as among the places he might go? We see Glen walking toward the