
Maybe everyone should wear curb feelers on their foreheads.

I have an ex who knowingly did this with a 13 year old girl, got no jail time, 15 years probation, and did NOT have to register as a sex offender. That’s Florida for ya.

This quote was included in the MSN write-up:

A million stars for you. I’m so glad to discover I’m not the only one who thought Lorelai was terrible.

It would be funnier if you didn’t admit to seeing anything.

The cake face smashing is grounds from annulment. I’m glad your fiance agrees it’s ridiculous.

I never knew if it was pronounced 'Bonnie' or 'Bon' Bell

Are you me? I felt the same way about her when all of this was going on AND I look(ed) like her. I ended up coloring my hair to stop the comments and borderline sexual harassment. I'm glad she appears to be doing well.

They all look like hair hats.

The Golden Sisters show up at 11:36

Wow. That was....something.

I moved to Tampa. It still makes me anxious to even think about.

They should take the 'conscience' out of it completely by proposing a directive of all women of child-bearing age to submit to monthly pregnancy tests. If a woman tests positive, she is immediately escorted to a Pregnancy Internment Camp where she can be watched since women can't really be trusted around

Thank You! This is the EXACTLY rant had last night with my boyfriend minus the "sex with a double-bagger". That was his input, bless his heart.