Jen Light

Not when you're good at math.

Scott's dad does an amazing Keanu Reeves impression.

"I hate ninjas," said nobody ever. Until last night.

He's buff enough to be on Teen Wolf, for cryin' out loud!

Abraham is all business. It's the party in the back that's confusing him.

I hear next week they turn Terminus into a boxing gym.


Please. It's "Ass Burgers."

"Smart" in TV Land means "on the spectrum" now. Didn't you get the memo?

That moment with Michonne taught us that, as it turn out, Carl just needed a parent.

The Walking Dead… it's, it's a cookbook! A cookbook!

Being attracted to Mads Mikkleson is its own sexuality.

Where are all the NOT THE BEES jokes? Are we no longer doing NOT THE BEES jokes?

Wow, yeah. This was probably my favorite episode yet.
That lampshade they hung about the civil war uniforms alone was worth it.

Man. If I have nowhere to make fun of it, what is the point of even watching it?

I probably should have gone with my instincts.

Was Dylan totally checking Norma out when she was trying on dresses, or am I just seeing incest everywhere?

Removing their shirts, ideally.

I know, right? This is definitely my favorite season so far. There is no universe in which evil Stiles isn't the greatest bad guy ever.

Only to you. Now, look at the flowers, Jack.