Ham Salad

Some of the stuff I’ve seen shouldn’t even be considered Early Adopter issues. The truck doesn’t even have Autopilot or “locking” differentials!

Hypocrisy is the highest virtue to Conservatives.

Stop with the Autobahn crap. Plans for the Autobahn were already made in 1920 and the first parts build were around 1927 by Robert Otzen.

Hitler and the NSDAP, and later on every friggin neo-nazi idiot highjacked the same rhetoric that Hitler invented it.

“Hitler was, you know, a demon on steroids, but he had some pretty good one-liners.”

In the realm of Fuck-Ups, these are just the highly visible ones know about.  How many other Fuck-Ups are unknown?

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

To be fair, it is *very* easy and profitable to separate Conservative Reactionaries from their money.

Hitler was responsible for the murder of millions of Jews, Slavs, homosexuals, disabled, Romany, Russian, Ukrainian and really anyone he thought was “subhuman” or “inferior”.

Once a developer has tasted that sweet live service microtransaction honey, there’s no coming back...

Starbreeze has sure fallen from grace. I loved Riddick and The Darkness but thats about it.

Don’t screw over your Steam fanbase by moving the PayDay2 multiplayer servers to Epic, which made them lose all their progress in-game. That killed a lot of the goodwill PayDay 2 got them over the years.

If a game has a mtx store that works perfectly but the game itself is riddled with more bugs than a planet on Helldivers, you know which priority the devs were assigned to work on the most.

Instructions unclear: OBVIOUSLY the problem is there weren’t enough microtransactions.

The lesson here: Don’t release broken games.

Claiming build quality is one of Tesla’s best while also admitting screens go blank at random times seems a tad contradictory, or perhaps they’re just admitting that previous Teslas set the bar for build quality very, very low

To be fair, that cable has at least another foot of stretch before it’s maxed out, and he could back up another foot to boot. 

“Yeah, my truck only gets 1/3 of the advertised range. But that’s only because of the weather. And my driving at highway speeds. Sure, the infotainment screen stopped working for multiple hours on end. But it finally worked again! And these things weren’t made for the current infrastructure because of the cables being

It’s a fantastic truck. The interior and build quality are definitely one of Tesla’s best.

VIII was pretty solid in many ways, but it was not better than VII.