
Ooooh, a fellow murderino! Cool!

Pachelbel’s Canon in D will. never. die. Seems believable My Heart Will Go On won’t either.

This show has really scratched my Star Trek itch in a way Discovery isn’t able to.

Renee O’Connor is still looking good too:

I am so on board with this, but why not bring back Lawless? If Duchovny and Anderson can reprise Mulder and Scully, why can’t Lawless return from Hades as Xena? I mean, she was kicking butt on AGENTS OF SHIELDS just last season, so it’s not like she’s over the hill . ..

And did I mention my book?

Not sure what category this interaction would fall into, but I have to share it.

Although if we’re being fair, I just tried to name them all off the top of my head and I came up WAY short of the total. In my defense, there are a whole lot of counties in Maryland there aren’t a lot of reasons to go to.

I am TERRIBLE at doing my hair. I have ultrathin, flat hair that doesn’t hold a curl or hairspray or product very well at all. I can do three things: 1) leave it down (it gets really flat really quickly) 2) put in an anemic pony tail 3) put it in a tiny topknot IF my hair is cooperating and I have time to fuck up a

Lemme just say - book three is where the answers are.

That happened to me. I threw a Christmas party over the weekend, provided all booze, made all the food myself (not chips and salsa, we're talking caviar pie, homemade spreads etc), even got boozey prizes (it was ugly sweater theme) and planned it about 3-4 weeks in advance. 30 people invited, SIX RSVPS. I hunted down

Hmm, I guess it didn't occur to me to think of it as culture, just sex. I could be wrong, of course. Would it also be problematic if the women were reading messages from straight dudes? Because it seems to me horny gay men sound pretty much like horny straight men.

I was supposed to go to the MD Ren Faire on Sunday, but I had strep throat so I spent the weekend in bed. When I texted my friends to bail, I said "Someone eat some fried mac and cheese on a stick for me!" Seriously, that stuff is the best.

Husband and I went to the MD Faire (his first time) a couple of weekends ago. My friends all required him to get something on a stick. This was his selection.

haters gunna hate hate hate hate hate it all looks ...ok not great, but okay and unsurprising.

He already breezed through the Hobbit. And we're saving the Silmarillion until kindergarten ;)

I need this slide in my life

It's really weird to post ambiguous complaints about your brother in law in response to an article about Hilary Clinton and Sotomayor and then argue with someone for not fully understanding your position about your brother in law when you never really explained it in the first place...