Yes, so how about we let it settle in court and be done with it. I am tired of repeating myself to you people.
Yes, so how about we let it settle in court and be done with it. I am tired of repeating myself to you people.
No, you are just being a troll and persistently trying to goad me with petty little remarks and insults. Which is why I am ignoring you. You can take that however you want. If you want to think it makes you right, then by all means go jack off in a corner and be proud of yourself. I really don’t care anymore, this…
Actually, admitting you are a fan of his alludes to bias towards him. Which undermines your credibility in the argument. You will twist facts to suit your argument, instead of twisting your arguments to suit the facts. In order to cast him in good light.
Facts are facts, no matter how much you wish to ignore them you…
I am just going to copy this on a notepad because I am tired of retyping it. I didn’t say the game was good.
I am beginning to think you are Sterling.
Done nothing wrong? One side effect of being a fanboy is being blind to the wrong-doing’s of your idol†. If this legal argument gets people like Jim off the internet, then we are in for a better world.
You aren’t very familiar with the US court system I take it. Slander, libel, etc... are taken quite seriously. Damaging a corporation’s identity in a corporate driven country is not a joke. Doesn’t matter if it is an opinion or not, it is fact in this case. Sterling makes a living off of slanderous “criticism” (if you…
Ok, it’s obvious to me you are a Sterling fanboy. So have fun letting someone on the internet make your opinion for you.
Missed the point. Point being everyone everywhere brings up freedom of speech on the internet.
I could only stomach to watch the worm for a few minutes before I wanted to vomit. I’ve glanced, by accident, some of his content. He’s an awful man.
Oh look, a shallow insult. A person is their words after all, so it makes sense.
Here’s where you are wrong.
You are smoking crack.
Ha, don’t even mention free speech. You think the entire internet is under jurisdictional of the USA’s Constitution? Please. People crack me up pulling the Bill of Rights on the internet.
Not sure what that is suppose to mean, “For”.
If you feel that way about Jim, then I feel all is lost.
That is kind of funny actually.
I don’t make games, not going to lie and say I do.
Sterling is cancerous, I hope he loses and has to quit YouTube. He’s not a critic, he’s a mouthy idiot. Criticism is about finding faults in something, and feed-backing on it. Sterling just can’t play games, he’s horrible at them, and that’s why they are “bad” to him. It’s like a kid sucking at basketball, so therefor…