
Sounds like a sob story if you ask me. If she really cared she would of pushed harder and tried to negotiate. She obviously tried to strong-arm them with the strike going on and asked too much. They did what any company would of done and went with the less expensive option. She probably really didn’t care that much

She should of thought about that and tried to negotiate the chance to do the role if she really cared. It’s obvious if she did that she asked too much, and with the strike going on she probably did ask too much.

It’s obviously still a pride thing at this point. They were very mistaken if they ever thought any of those massive publisher were going to care if they stayed around or not, and to be honest I was on the companies’ side on this one.

Sure you are. A high school diploma in your home office where you are typing to people on Kotaku doesn’t qualify as a job you stupid ass.

Wow, I post something and you children blow up. Grow up. I have a business degree and make plenty of money with a nice resume. Meanwhile you all make a living being keyboard warriors. How well does that pay and look on a job application? Yeah I thought so.

Wow, I post something and you children blow up. Grow up.

As someone in PR I’d love to pull something like this, however I’d lose my job nowadays - lol (got to love political correctness). What an awesome story.

Was a joke, I’m aware of that. I am just more amused that people take these characters so seriously like that.

Oh you do a tease with Widowmaker and it’s fine, but you do it with Tracer and everyone loses their mind.

It was generally avoided in my groups. Someone might try to swoon the barmaid, or flirt with the shopkeep for a discount, but it never exceeded that. We kept it PG when it came to sexual activity but that was the only thing really.

I been playing DnD since I was a little girl (past 17 years), I never had a problem with it really. I look back through my old Monster Manuals and the busty female monsters never really bothered me. Even in modern MMORPG games I still think beautiful women characters (and monsters) are a real treat, and I would be

I don’t know what’s worse, this bozo or all you media giving him attention. Isn’t it obvious it was a stunt to boost him to 50 million subscribers? A big sarcastic thanks to all the news outlets that helped him do it. *eye roll*

I’m sure Sarkeesian with her army of castrated males and feminazis would still have a field day with it.

Isn’t that what men are anyways?
*mic drop*

What’s with people and making every female in games a bisexual or lesbian? lol

And people said I was a whiner when I said his hook was busted months ago...

I’m baffled as to how this could be a YouTube series and be a thing in general...

“This is your brain on drugs.”

You don’t need high damage to be OP.

Helped me battle depression and make new friends. Rebuilt my imagination, mental strength, and made me a happier person. Nothing wrong with DnD.