Look forward to hearing it, Patricia.
Look forward to hearing it, Patricia.
Could only imagine how sweaty and nasty your tata’s would get inside of that thing.
Cheers, and good luck orenn!
So David is one of those people that shit talk his customers on Twitter. I love Twitter because it shows what kind of assholes work at your favorite companies, I feel bad for the PR people that have to clean up after scum like him. He should do Treyarch a favor and shut his Twitter account down.
Yeah a lot of people already said that, I apologized below.
My first PR job on gaming fell into my lap, I was simply an active forum member with a knack for PR. They asked me to take over, and that is how I got started. My next job came easy because of my experience and degree, I was actually offered 4 different jobs as soon as I left my last one. Indie companies really need…
Pretty epic, but so was the OP.
Patricia was showing something cool, not skillful. Of course using a homing lock on launcher wasn’t skillful, it was just cool how he dodged out and the way the rockets barely missed him. It was epic.
Ah news to me, thanks for the info.
As someone who works Public Relations, and has done Community Management on 2 Steam games - Welcome to other side of gaming. :)
It’s extremely stressful, and I experienced every emotion you did with my first game. However with this second one, it has become second nature to me and I absolutely love it. Like you said, I…
Completely agree.
People just build stupidly hard levels and giggle when people try to beat them. They probably don’t even playtest their own levels, most of them are probably impossible.
I think there is a difference between 67 million active, and 67 million registered. I highly doubt there is 67 million monthly players for LoL. More like 67 million registered.
I don’t VOIP that often either, and I know several girls who are the same. The most common thing they tell me is “I don’t like my voice”. Which is partially a reason for me as well, however a lot of it has to do with the fear of being harassed. I dealt with a lot of sexual harassment before on games, and I just don’t…
Why does everyone have to bring up the “f” word...
That was some crazy shit.
Something was definitely leaked.
Sold better than Planetside. :p
Yeah, it’s true, Planetside set a bar; however saying Halo didn’t as well is conceded.
Halo did a lot of great things, and was the title that took the Xbox to where it is today. Along with Halo 2, it is one of the best selling games of all time. Halo paved the ground for competitive online FPS for consoles, as well as…
I am laughing at this, does this make me a bad person?