Jen Here

Many of the comments here are mere speculation and bandwagoning tactics. How can anyone support someone who lies, has no notable achievements as a politician, has had multiple inquests to questionable activity, completely endangered our countries security while Secy of State, wears a wireless earpiece to live debates,

No, that is what Anderson Cooper said as he and his invites twisted every word they could. I tuned it out like I do most of the MSM. As a former print journalist, tv journalist had no credibility then, and certainly need now. All the network’s and most papers are owned by the same conglomerates that use media to push

This is mere speculation and bandwagoning tactics. How can anyone support someone who lies, has no notable achievements as a politician, has had multiple inquests to questionable activity, completely endangered our countries security while Secy of State, wears a wireless earpiece to live debates, doesn’t follow rules,

She is an embarrassment to women! Are you kidding me?? She is a lying crook along with all her cronies. Tell me one thing she has ever accomplished as a politician. This is NOT the first female president we want, Ladies!😠