
Not everything that happens is some big slut shaming conspiracy. This happened at my HS (1o years ago) with PE clothes for the rest of the day. It was for too short shorts/guys sagging their pants too much. I got sent up to the office all the damn time, but I knew I was breaking the rules and just didn't give a shit.

This kind of punishment is common in schools and is hardly sex-based or out of line. Much more shameful is this girl and her family's exaggerated claims of victimhood in contacting the media.

"Biblical-type levels of insanity". Biblical-type levels of insanity tend to involve stoning people to death. This is lousy, but not Biblical-level.

That is a really shitty headline, not because it isn't true in this specific context, but because it undermines a really positive message to alleviate suicidal tendencies in our youth. I know part of Jezebel's modus operandi is wit, but this is a poor choice for it.

You're supposed to MAKE your bed? I don't believe you. That sounds like some kind of... urban legend or something. "Make your bed"... what next, folding your clothes and not leaving them in a pile on the floor like God intended?

I don't know, around the "You're an Account Manger" line I probably would have hung on just to see what was coming next. You can't even be mad at this shit, it's too fun watching him crash and burn.

Joan Rivers on dead Palestinian civilians, from Mediaite

After the racist, transphobic, and shitty things she said Palestine deserved what was happening in Gaza right now all I have to say is good fucking riddance. I don't even think bad about feeling that way. I couldn't give two shits how she "paved the way for women in comedy" either because at the end of the day she

I thought the same thing. She said some very offensive and problematic things in the past few months as well. It's like she saw youtube comments one day and decided that was going to be her new approach.

You forgot fat-shamer.

"She sang live and said, 'My throat, my throat, I don't know if I can swallow.' And I said, 'Oh, you can swallow,'" Rivers joked.

I get that.

Would you be eulogizing her with such passion if she had said that all those unarmed teens who were killed the last few summers by police and wannabe police "deserved to be dead" because of their "low IQs?". Honestly asking.

Hmm, it's funny (translation: predictable) how folks are rolling out the RIP red carpet for this unrepentantly racist shitstain…

I just don't know how to feel about Joan Rivers. A trailblazer? Sure. But she also made a career over saying heinous jokes about other people, particularly women. Yeah, she made jokes at her own expense and was apparently a very nice person in private, but I don't respect that a whole lot.

At least she died doing what she loved.

She was horrible to people of color, she was vile toward transgender people, she dismissed the poor and the developmentally disabled. She was great in a lot of ways, but she was no Robin Williams.

I'm another person who doesn't care for her music. But wow, what a lovely and caring young woman. That's a load of awesome insight that I think we should all remember in moments when the bastards try to keep us down (because as she mentions—it never, ever stops).
I've had a serious change of heart in regards to her.

i agree completely. I might even introduce my 6-yr-old to her music. That little girl is determined to love all things sugary sweet pop princess. TSwift is better than most as far as role models go.

Actually, she did an interview quite recently with the Guardian where she basically said "I didn't know what feminists WERE when I said I wasn't one, and I am totally a feminist now that I've been educated about it." I was surprised that it got nary a mention on Jezebel, considering how huge a statement like that is