GAHHH! I wanted this look so BAD back then.
GAHHH! I wanted this look so BAD back then.
WELL, ACTUALLY I haven’t read anyone writing about the weather in the area so I found this to be interesting and did not really think it was totally about your feelings or “inconveniences”. I live in Minnesota but the weather in the Dakotas is supposed to be crazy awful compared to us. People making shitty comments…
I think this is what’s happening to me! I’m 44 but I’m pretty sure it’s some pre menopause stuff. I have psychotic pms and my cycle is constantly changing...
Fuck this fucking guy.
I can’t get past those bathing suits in the picture...very uncomfortable looking.
Nothing about this makes any sense to me and it’s inspired me to open the first beer of the day. What the holy crap is everyone so *concerned* about this “persons” safety for? (screams)
Me too! This kind of stuff enrages me. People are morons.
Why would they ever get a cat then, if this was going to be a concern for them?Like should the plan be let’s get a cat and just throw it out when we get pregnant? Millions of pregnant women have a cat in the house and I’m pretty sure Anna Farris is not scooping litter boxes.
Also, anyone making excuses for this kind of behavior with pets: FUCK you.
If you follow(ed) Chris Pratt on Instagram you should check out his giant cross on a hill thing. No thanks.
This, 1000x thank you
I used Burt’s Bees avocado oil and I have ZERO stretch marks!
I can sew too! Apparel Design school dropout here. Sewing BEE!
Like it!
This was my first month with the Ipsy bag and I was like hm...whats the hype about here...not really impressed but I’ll stick with it a couple more months.
Dear god! You poor thing.
Holy crap!!!!!