I think POTUS is very useful for the American govt because he can take all the blame - like Hannibal Lecter even for murders he didn't commit. Blame POTUS - he don't keer! Is it really true that his own party shuns him?
I think POTUS is very useful for the American govt because he can take all the blame - like Hannibal Lecter even for murders he didn't commit. Blame POTUS - he don't keer! Is it really true that his own party shuns him?
every day my entire family suffers so much from the vicious unkindness of NYC government, press and organized crime - it is absolutely torture. And when I hear these also nasty liberals DEFENDING against racist monsters - I have to think that some of it is about self enriching - that these liberals who are…
I think it's a group of cloaked sadists who are feel disguised by the sheeps clothing of spouting sympathy - I think it's a power grab and maybe POTUS being from NYC serves them.
I had a coworker who said what color are my eyes and hair - green and blonde - because her grandmother was raped for decades by the local sheriff in a really small town and would visit after she died and sit outside with the family members as if he belonged.
REALLY? and no one had a problem going on celebrity apprentice?
if i were the central park 5 I would own that they were doing something else in the park that night that wasn't legal to protect the black authority - i get this feeling that the so called advocates are actually destroying the tribe's ring of truth.
the Nazi guard was a Jewish guy who said it was his duty to take that role - I guess it made nazi scary digestible by mocking it but somehow something still left a residue like the Wonder Woman nazis - somehow I've always been aware of Nazis and been scared of them - like that face of the guy that the Inglorious…
it's kind of weird that that movie the Paper was about two kids who didn't do it but it sold papers.
so they really hate Black people?
the surviving cast members of Roots should do a group appearance - no one watches that miniseries anymore but it is still very effective.
There's a Black artist named walker who has these beautiful - like paper cuts similar to the ones that Chinese cut for windows. The silhouettes are about slavery - they should wear t-shirts with those images.
um I didn't have it as bad as anyone Black but no one thought NYC was racism free.
why would he call those statues 'beautiful' - he seems to go out of his way to put his foot in it.
At least some confederate celebrators backed off because the poorer white supremacists embarassed them - they should have a wall of little black babies in their fathers' arms with price tags for boy age 3 $2, man age 32…
Was there proof before his tweets about Charlottesville?
he wouldn't know but those local aristocrats would know - they name their descendants after them - that's not really a good sign unless they are also Dark Knight propagandists - i.e. willing to look bad when they don't really feel that way to remind the general public about indifference.
Next to every proud statue - have a companion statue of Gordon the Slave, Harriet Tubman, etc.
POTUS isnt a Southerner. The effect that he is having is like a steroid version of only Nixon go to China.
I find it interesting that the very ancestry that was so bold about enslaving people are the ones supporting removing their ancestors' statues because of the recent conflict - they went to WAR - a very brutal war with heavy casualties because they didn't care what anybody thought and now only a little over a century…
Is it possible that POTUS is a Dark Knight and embarrassing conservatives into becoming PC?