I like to think I did my 20s right, but then I look at Cara Delevingne and realize I was barely trying.
I like to think I did my 20s right, but then I look at Cara Delevingne and realize I was barely trying.
I still think you can critique the structures and narratives of misogyny in another country (while remaining critical of your own). And, to be blunt, it’s pretty damn bad in France. It wasn’t “two old ladies,” it was 100+signatures, plus ‘LeMonde’, which gave a platform to the damn thing.
Saw two Allen films while living in France-large cinemas packed both times.
Yeah, the US has Trump as it’s president. Do we really want to start painting whole other countries as one bad thing? Aren’t we just inviting other countries to paint us all as Trump loving monsters?
Wonder Woman was just played by a pro-Israel pro-IDF Israeli woman who actually fought for the IDF and is unapologetically supportive of them, so, no, you’re not just wrong, you’re super wrong.
This site would not be calling for her head if she wrote anti-Palestinian tweets: Reference: Every article about Gal Gadot.
Honestly if I’m watching something and someone gets raped I instantly turn it off. I just fucking can’t anymore. Why would I watch that for entertainment? I’m trying to make enjoyable choices when it comes to entertainment and it doesn’t entertain me to see sexual assault.
Add John Stewart to that list too. And Keanu Reeves. I got some weird soft spot for him. Like he needs a hug.
Colbert is one of the small circle of men I think of and say to myself, “Please, please, please, don’t let them get named.” Colbert, Obama, most of the cast of Thor Ragnarok, Assorted Hot British Actors, and, once upon a time, Al Franken. Damn it.
Maya Angelou is ever relevant: When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
When the first guy I dated after years of being alone (because of weird emotionally abusive almost relationship fucked me up) ghosted me, I was shocked by how devastated I was. It had only been 3 dates. It wasn’t like I was in love. You perfectly described that feeling. It was shocking and abrasive. I’ve had trouble…
“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”
I agree-ish, but I’d walk on eggshells around HR. Don’t forget that HR is there first and foremost for the company. If LW is in a temp position this could backfire and not get her in the running for a permanent position or just be let go. I think depression can be categorized as a disability (?) so it might be illegal…
In general I agree with you, but this could be really handy if someone needs something specific that they might have trouble accessing to buy - a decent sleeping bag or tent, for example. Lots of the homeless in my area buy the $20 tents at target, but they SUCK quality-wise, and if the cops confiscate it and target…
Why don’t you just give the person the money and let them use it for what they want to use it for? Why do people feel the need to control homeless people? If you care just give that person some money. Even if it’s a few dollars.
If corporations are people, then they should be sent to a mental institution:
Being pro Palestinian is pro Semite. They are Semites. It’s technically incorrect to call someone anti Semite for stating the above position.
“It’s literally in our DNA.”