Jen P

Plus they were playing hockey as a family in a pricey loft in an industrial area. Very Toronto.

Speaking as someone who decided NOT to go the cup route when my brand new Diva Cup suctioned itself onto my cervix with unexpected force, I wouldn't call that "stupidity" so much as "panic." And possibly lack of arm/finger flexibility and strength.

And that scene was actually shockingly easy to relate to.

Or alternatively, he offered to cut her hair and made her pancakes without prompting because of his two week old love for her. People do nice things for people they care about. Although the second plate we saw was the most passive-aggressive pancake I've ever witnessed.

Sunburned Will Forte with a perm looked a lot like Chris O'Donnell. It was a mite disturbing.

You keep using the phrase "sex and attention." I get that Melissa obviously wanted sex after being alone for a couple of years. But how is she leading anyone on for "attention?" From what I've seen, she's gotten more attention from both Todd and Phil than she actually wants.

Also, if Phil and Carol were only married for three weeks, then that means that Melissa and Todd have been together for two weeks or less. I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to not be ready to exchange "I love you's" after two weeks. Even if you're getting down on the regular and he makes you heart-shaped

Doctor Scott!

I have never had the impression that Liza was taking her relationship with Josh very seriously, at all. She's gone on a couple of dates with him, but has been very much preoccupied with boning him, not the dates themselves. I'm a little older than Liza and am occasionally hit on by men Josh's age who also believe I am

I'm 44 and none of that made sense to me. I don't often use Twitter, but I do actually have an account. I do sort of get being confused by trending hashtags, though. I rarely use them, even though I know that they would greatly increase my visibility on Instagram.

Maybe that's why Clyde hasn't been on Elementary much lately.

Excellent "Bug's Life" reference.

Her middle name is Christopher! *awkward silence*

What's going on, Wilson?

These are your complaints? Okay.
1) Speaking as an actual person in mid-40s, yes, sometimes you only have one dumb thing to concern yourself over for the day. I call it blessed relief from worrying about work, the mortgage, the kids. When you have a day like that, sometimes you want it to be as shallow and escapist as

OMG just go back and read the post I was replying to! You said "women who wear makeup, not "black women who wear makeup." I was speaking about my experience as one of the people you described. If you meant to exclude non-minority makeup wearing women, you should have said so. Now go pick on someone else. There will be

Obviously, the milk-pale moon-face in my avatar shows that I have no first-hand experience with this, but I've had enough roommates and friends to know that this was a HUGE moment! "Oh, my God, she's going to take off her wig!" Viola Davis awesome. Her lack of vanity and un-self consciousness made the end of the

The comparison makes sense to me. I've seen "drag" used in other contexts than cross-gender costuming, and I've used it myself that way. It's a sense of your appearance (clothes, makeup, whatever) feeling like a costume or mask and serving the function of a costume, but not actually being a costume.