Jen P

Not as different as you might think.

His "ex" story about Simmons was the first thing he's said this entire season without struggling for the words. I loved the looks on the other guys' faces when they took that in and immediately, simultaneously decided not to make a big thing out of it because it would make him self-conscious and retreat. (Also, I may

Sneakers she had in her tiny clutch purse? She took off her earrings before she left Coulson. That's the universal TV sign of impending fight. What more do you want?

Mitchell work as some kind of legal adviser for a rich guy played by the second banana on "Jack and Jill" (I want to say his name is Justin… maybe Chambers? Or is that the guy who plays Karev on Grey's Anatomy). Mitchell damaged his house with his own turntable driveway and then Cam tried to sell him the house he and

Eh, it's probably me. But regardless, I'm sticking to my version. Because bacon.

On really hot and sunny days, I always describe myself as "bacon and potatoes, bakin' in the sun."

Children by the millions scream for TUSK

They're responsible for my favorite TV theme ever (Buffy) and the song that sums up my complicated relationship with Van Halen.

“To bring back Michelle Fairley, one of the greatest actresses around, to be a zombie for a little while—and just kill people?”

In the behind the scenes thing, they said that they tried to give Tony short hair, but fitting all of Maslany's hair under a wig made it look ridiculous. So they went with a mullet.

Meg contributed to a song or two, but I was referring to artist royalties. The majority of royalties go to the songwriter, but bands often work out contracts to provide for non-writing band members. She never struck me as someone who has a lot of need for fame or expensive things, so I would imagine she's probably

Being perfectly fine living off residuals in a loft in Corktown would be my guess.

I actually liked that moment, because it gave the rather insufferable Murphy a hero moment. In fact, this episode (and the previous one) did a lot to redeem the character. I liked that she told Ross that, no, Webber was not wrong to let her go. She's not meant to be a surgeon. But by the looks of it, she might make a

Perhaps avoid focusing on negatives. Avoid saying things like "This is irresponsible and you are a drain on public resources." That makes people sad and feel defeated. Many people have a very complicated emotional relationship with food- especially unhealthy food. When you make these people feel bad, they usually

No, instead they say things like, "You would be so much prettier if you lost 10 pounds" (message: you're not pretty and you can't possibly be attractive unless you lose 10 pounds and let's face it, I really mean 40 pounds). Or "You're not really going to eat that piece of cake, are you?" (message: you don't get to

"Shouldn't that mean that dating isn't as difficult for fat women there?"

That was some weirdly good synergy there. An episode inspired by its lead's clothing line shouldn't work.

When you wrote that Jack doesn't get a happy ending, it occurred to me: Jack isn't Ethan Edwards; he's Roland Deschain. And suddenly, I want to see THAT casting in The Dark Tower that will never get made.

"Hockey enforcers are characterized as goons and thugs, sure, but they’re
not stigmatized in the same way tough black basketball players are." Tell that to Wings fans. Vladimir Konstantinov, besides being nicknamed Vlad the Impaler, was constantly called dirty, violent, nasty. After the accident which left him in a

Ah, the Laimbeer flop! Not for nothin' was the guy a league leader in free throws.