Wife on Mars... Could Spit in the Eyes of Fools

I assume Bella’s butt reads “Punk Queen” but since she’s wearing Ed Hardy I’m going to to continue to believe they say “Lunk Queen”

It’s like watching a Salem Witch trial in real time. Sink or float, you always lose the test and die.

Maybe she's talking about Jez?

I had to Google Katie Hopkins. When I got to “right-wing commentator” and “contestant on The Apprentice” I stopped reading. Life is too short to waste time on reading about these sorts.

Ms Hopkins told her Instagram followers on Saturday morning she was trying to taunt the guards in her hotel by answering her door naked and without a mask.

No no, you can keep her, it’s fine.

Haha I hadn’t seen that - but wow, what an asshole, she should absolutely be deported.

Katie Hopkins is also in Australia doing this shite and could potentially be deported back to the UK for breaking quarantine rules by the LibNats in Australia.

The post conservatorship Britney is going to be amazing. I can not wait for all the tea and music or, if she prefers, her well earned fabulous retirement with the hot boyfriend.

As a guy pushing 40 who also let his hair grow out during the pandemic for giggles I feel attacked by this... Can’t a dude just grow his hair out for fun!?


“We need to talk about the here and now,” says every candidate.

Enjoying how this is mostly a giant drag-fest of Trump so far, the energy I (and the Democratic party FFS) need.

I always find it odd when failed candidates are pundits.

I’m literally talking about this specific illustration project, not questioning whether Barnes and Noble has a special section of its website or a table in any one of its stores dedicated to blackity black books for blackity black month.

Okay? But the cool illustrations—this real allure of this whole project—would have been cool if they were actually paired with black literary classics in honor of Black History Month. That’s the point I’m making.

Ugh. This is just a bad marketing decision. I agree with you, Ashley, that a better way to honor diversity would have been to promote the work of diverse authors.

everything in moderation, miss!!

SO much of my apartment is West Elm so I feel like I need to FIGHT but POINTS WERE MADE