Jen Jen Jen

You answered your own question yourself when you quoted “Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People”. You don’t understand how misogyny works in the black community.

I have my issues with Oprah but I’m sorry who did she drug, hold hostage, sexually assault or was accused of sexually assaulting? False equivalency , do better.

Plus, the old “cattle call” complaint is no longer valid. For average passengers, the Big Three have more of a cattle call, because everyone is doing the gate-cluster in desperation to have overhead space for their bag. Southwest, every person is assigned a number, and that’s where you stand, calmly to await boarding,

This is why I stay in my lane and only Fx with SWA domestically and to the Caribbean. It might be a cattle call with their boarding system and your in-flight epicurean choices consists of chips, cookies (no more peanuts :( ) and Coke, but they have awesome customer service.

Southwest don’t do this regardless of the ticket level you bought. But they also don’t charge you to carry on, or check luggage, or use the bathroom...

What I’ve learned with arilines is that you have to be the pettiest of petty people to get right. Otherwise, they will take your coins with zero fucks given.

mother + first name feels like the name of a soul food restaurant in delaware

I trained a young’un to say, when he flushed the toilet: “Swim, poops! Swim for your lives!” That won him the approval of adults, which meant he had an endgame that would make the toilet-pooping worth his while.

My soon to be 3 year old flat out refused to to use the potty. We would set him up, get his diaper off, offer soft encouraging words, and plop his little ass down on the thing and and he would pitch a damned fit. So we thought why not improve the tool. So we ditched the floor potty, which we were not enthused about

except me. i read it. 

I enjoyed it. Lupita N’yongo is BRILLIANT! That being said, do we always have to over analyze every thing and then “think piece”it do death? Go and see a well done, suspense filled movie then make a note to self that if you see anyone in a red jumpsuit and those brown sandals, that they’re going to catch all those

A black friend of mine who went to an almost entirely white private high school once said (in college), “I’m fairly certain that I’m being used by, like, half of my high school as the reason why they’re not racist. I’d bet even the people who were shitty to me, who called me a nigger, claim that we’re buddies and that

I get that he’s got to find something to support his client, but when your best defense is that a 15 year old lied about her age it seems you may have already lost. 

I know. Being a Dark skinned double minority is brutal and puzzling. Don;t even get me started on Black men who *love* dark-skinned woman only if the have a certain aesthetic.

I wonder if this is really the case all the time or only in the world of Twitter

Alex Shipp already got the red dot on the first one to open their mouth.

I’m going to be honest - I don’t trust any Black man to lead a discussion on colorism. Colorism in the Black community disproportionally affects Black women and especially so when it comes to mass media.

Why do all black republican men look like they have second jobs moonlighting as funeral home directors?

Yes. The “well Elvis/Jerry Lee Lewis./Ted Nugent/Mick Jagger/David Bowie/<insert any white singer who messed with teens>...” shit doesn’t negate the fact that R Kelly is a garbage person. They’re garbage too, too many got away with it, too many young women got sexualized and slut shammed too soon - we’re seriously OK