Jenay Carriere

I agree she likes to be wild and free and outside rather then shuttered. Some just don't do well being constantly confined. I love Octavia she is amazing and I hope her and Indra have more scenes together.

I kinda just an itsy,bitsy,bit felt sorry for Pike and what will happen to him. Pike did what he did out of fear an nothing else. The man is so darn scared he wasn't able to make rational decisions. So that is why I feel just a tiny bit of sympathy for how he is going to suffer.

This is how ignorant the writers,show runner and director are of scenes that will be considered rape,even if they themselves did not consider it to be.

Laurel/Katie received so much hate from fans I'm not surprised she is gone. An amazing performance from Katie this season though. Legends of Tomorrow and Vixen will see her back as the Black Canary so she is truly not gone.

Let me say this and preempt with I do agree that Adalind raped Nick and I'm not saying that it's ok. In season 1 Nick sexually assaulted Adalind in a very,very violent way and killed a part of herself that she was born with. Nick had choices in how Adalind could ingest his blood and he chose a violent way..

Adalind's not a cop

I agree I cringed because Nick sexually assaulted Adalind first.

What do you mean not his sister it's because of his sister that he has to train and with someone who is actually in the league (or was) because he didn't do so well last time now did he.