
That was glorious. Thanks for posting it.

She’s wearing pants. Fox doesn’t allow women to wear pants. That’s progress, right? Aw, who am I kidding. This is ridiculous.

If he were the last man on Earth and I was told he was the last chance for human survival, I would just say, “well, humans had a decent run.”

Discount code does not appear to work on items already marked down.

Discount code does not appear to work on items already marked down.

Strange that you believe that only the over 40 never-married women are the crazy ones. Don’t you think that an over 40 never-married man has some baggage? Or are you one who thinks everyone is crazy except himself? Here’s a clue. No one is entirely sane and those who think they are are the craziest.

This is actually a dish. Matzo brei. Delicious. Well, except for the bacon part.

Do you think that all chemo regimens are the same? Seriously? Then you believe that every insurance policy pays for everything exactly the same way?  For my breast cancer treatment last year, I received TCH (Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin) every 3 weeks for 8 cycles (six months) and Herceptin for 2 more cycles.

I think they just need new thumbs.