This is like me every time I walk into Trader Joe’s and realize it's not an actual grocery store so much as a giant snack pantry.
This is like me every time I walk into Trader Joe’s and realize it's not an actual grocery store so much as a giant snack pantry.
Fam, I thought Bob Barker had already died an indeterminate amount of time ago, so this story was very confusing for me. But also, cool, I’m glad he’s still around at age 94 (!).
So, I’ve posted on here about my attempts to get pregnant, and how stressful it is because I’m looking to switch jobs next school year. Earlier this week, on a post about Meghan Markle’s pregnancy, I sadly shared that we were officially at month 5 with no baby. Then... my period was late. And I took another pregnancy…
Babies don’t soften everyone. They make you realise how much less you can/want to tolerate other people’s awful behaviour.
How is Hailey Baldwin famous? I think she’s beautiful, but she’s the offspring of the lamest Baldwin.
It’s not “how it is,” it’s how weak management and bullies have allowed it to be.
I finally landed a job! A few months before I graduated in June, I got struck with “uh, what am I going to do with my life after I graduate?” and it’s been one long mental breakdown ever since. I slipped into the worst depression of my life and I applied for this job at 3 AM thinking I would never be considered for it…
Been there. It will pass on to someone else... but really try hard not to be so delighted that you join in. (Yeah, been there, and it makes you feel really bad--worse then when you were the target. There’s probably some kind of message here.)
I can’t believe how hard I’m going for KFed right now, but his situation isn’t that different than many post-divorce SAHP.
It’s definitely not a thing (or at least legal) and you will get a DUI for it.
I’m extremely annoyed and frustrated at a friend right now. TL,DR: I tried to do something nice for someone and they ruined the night by acting like it was no big deal.
I went on a job interview for my dream job yesterday and it went super well but I’m trying really really really hard to not convince myself that I already got the job and that everything’s super great. I also paid off all of my credit cards this morning. Goodbye $5,000s of debt. I’ve also lost 12 pounds as of today,…
Trying to get through an allergy migraine today (which just wrecked my weekend plans), and wondering if I’m taking a situation at work right:
I would also take Iran in the time leading up to and during the fall of the Shah. Or any assortment of shows about the women pirates and warlords of SE Asia in previous centuries such as Ching Shih. Speaking of pirates, I would watch the hell out of a show about Grace O’Malley and her ilk.
Last weekend I was at the San Diego zoo. (Pictured below: Actual documentary footage of me at the zoo.) And I was thinking about this very topic.
I believe, based on the timeline, that he discovered the picture of Argento and Bennett in bed together and realized that he had become the person he had been fighting against ever since he so strongly came out on the side of the victims of the #metoo movement which is somebody who silences rape victims. Even if it…
Remember that even though he gets or wins custody rights doesn’t mean he’ll use them or his interest in using them will last. If he never was into parenting to begin with keeping himself in the custody talk may just be for ego in the midst of the marriage breakdown blow to his male pride, then once settled and time…
DJ does it. Dead eyes serial killers always have a mother thing.