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    My fear of clowns came from (a) a grandmother who lived out in the country and collected clown dolls and (b) that stupid Stephen King book, It. They terrify me, even Bozo.

    @browngirlinthering: I don't blame McCain for Palin; She was foisted on him by the Republicans who hate him for being a Rhino. It was supposed to make him more likable to the Republican base, who for years had been listening to Rush et al spit, bitch and moan incoherently on the evils of McCain and his "black baby"

    @KimberleeJean: I guess I have the opposite view. I spent a lot of time in hospitals over the last few years until they figured out I had celiac disease. I can't say I gave two $hits how anyone thought I looked at the time, I just wanted to get better and get out so I could get back to "normal," i.e., away from the

    Fabulous and aspirational? Right, b/c the current crop make one feel flabulous and arse-perational. Personally, a chipper gown is not going to make me feel better if I am in the hospital. I am not going to *not* notice you have me connected to an IV and have just told me you have good news and bad news, especially if

    @Luckwouldhaveit: You should add to the example that copyrighting something as "pretty" does not make it so.

    @likepenguins: and LeSportSac. Marc Jacobs needs to get over himself; he did not invent the tote bag.

    *rolls eyes* Methinks the Stephen Phelans of the world have issues with "pink portals," in general.

    @cand86: I still love "Who I Am".

    @janiejones56: Now some of those medieval torture devices they use make some sense.

    @jen: You know, gorgeous, besides the spooky underground, murderous doctors and the Jambos. ;)

    @applejuice: I stayed in Edinburgh for a few months and took that tour during my stay; had nightmares for weeks. I wouldn't want to have to go through it more than once, poor thing, but you are so lucky to live in such a gorgeous city.

    @Bunsen Honeydew: God forbid, a woman having curves and loving them. :)

    @katie.scarlett.o'hara: I don't know. Speaking as a real-life lady character, I reserve the right to change my mind as often as I like. :)

    "... stay consistent with your message that for too long women have been made to feel like sex objects in our ‘modern' culture and that we can expect better in 2010."

    @NefariousNewt: Exactly. No matter what his convictions are, the premeditation alone makes it murder.

    @Tiff M: Oh, thank you. Because that was what I thought when I read that statement. By that logic, Osama bin Ladin isn't a killer because he's the Mother Theresa of murdering, zealot fucktards.