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    @SlayBelle: Oh Neil, you rock, too. God, I adore that dress, who gives a flip about her armpit hair?

    @BejeweledEdificeOfCheese: I competed in gymnastics and martial arts. I quit the gymnastics early after 8 years of hell — way too much emphasis on being uber-skinny at the school I trained at, I remember being 12, 4"3 and 70 pounds and being told I was too fat because I played soccer and my legs got muscular — but I

    I want to live in her closet with all the pretty she has. What a fabulous world of tweed, silk and lace that would be.

    @likepenguins: Oh, thank goodness. I've been a subscriber for years, but I just moved apartments and the new magazine was delivered to the old address. Every now and then Texas Monthly gets sweet on someone idiotic and I have to throw my hands up in despair. Or decorate the cover with my stomach contents. Whichever

    I really love this picture. An artist at work is a beautiful thing.

    @likepenguins: Good Lord, I may cancel my subscription. If there is a God in heaven, that man will not be allowed near the White House (which I'm sure Mrs Good Hair will have to completely redecorate to the tune of trillions of taxpayers' dollars). If people thought the Shrub was bad, they haven't seen the worst Texas

    @likepenguins: Don't know, hon, nearly every time you see someone distasteful on a reality TV show, they end up being from Texas. Tila is the really nasty, completely metaphorical cherry on top of Texas Reality show sundae o' crap.

    @hellosunshine: Amen. Stay in Cali. We have enough crazy here.

    She like Cleopatra, floating down Denial. Only with crabs instead of crocs.

    This is sick.

    @mrsdracomalfoy: Thank you for the different perspective. I went to a Greek-happy school and was asked to rush goodness knows how many times by a ton of sororities, but I always found the stereotypes unappealing. And apparently true (at my school); I always felt creeped out by how alike the girls were after being

    @Penny: Hate them. I prefer Tod's Degas flats if I am going to wear over-priced flats. :)

    @carinamarie: Yes, that or SuperMax haute couture for the discerning fashionista/psychotic killer.

    @lapiquante: Adored that book when I was a kid. And Howliday Inn and the Celery Stalks at Midnight. Somehow, I'm thinking Bunnicula was a lot cuter than these folks.

    @Fishbear: To be honest, I hadn't noticed it until you mentioned a lack o' leg. :)

    @Fishbear: You can see the edge of her other skate right outside the flip of her skirt. The angle is misleading, I think.