
Say what you like, but I think one could make a convincing argument that having both strong progressive and conservative voices/forces in this country is what has prevented America from falling into fascism at one extreme or a repeat of the Terror of the French Revolution on the other.

More of a Libertarian. When you’re on the Supreme Court its important to REALLY but aside bias. You’re setting precedent for damn near everything that comes after your choices. He was one of the best.

Sadly, looking at the comments on various articles about Scalia today, what I see is primarily a hot mess of seething hatred, bitter, mindless vitriol, and total ignorance about who and what Scalia really was.

I was hardly a fan, but this Supreme Court decision is one of the most important things to ever happen involving video game culture and he wrote the majority opinion. It’s a minor part of his legacy, but given that this is a gaming-centric site, it seemed worth noting.