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    Matchbox did it better

    So if i worked as a steering wheel fixer it would be a rim blow job!

    Thank you, I can see myself out...

    on your clip board or aboard your clipper?

    Ahh Chrysler Australia and NZ, the wonderful VH-CM 1970s Valiant sedan, wagon and panel van. The beautiful and fast for its time charger. The ‘only in the 70s Drifter. Just love the ‘hemi 265 ci” i6... theres a whole sad story there Torch

    Granada has similar styling to Aussie Falcon but beyond the basic shape they are nothing alike (I think the headlights are common - everything else is different)
    The Granada was an over sized European Cortina. The Falcon was a modern evolution of the 60s US Falcon. 

    Thats not an Australian Ad, Torch. Its a New Zealand one. Kiwis hate being called Australian (think Canada USA)
    Tredia was never sold in Aust and Todd Motors (logo on sign at end) were the Kiwi Chrysler/Mitsubishi importers.

    So me and my girl were .... ahem... enjoying nature in the woods the other afternoon, when suddenly....
    How will she explain those injuries to her husband?

    Its so beautiful, it made baby jesus weep tears of joy

    one day i will earn my way out of grey

    There was
    The Aussie Falcon 4 door roomy 5 seater, RWD, manual or auto 6 speed, choice of 4 cyl turbo, natural or turbo 6 or supercharged v8. (176kW/353Nm to over 400kw/570Nm - what ever that is in bushels per cubit or whatever you yanks use)

    my name is jem, im an aussie, and i approve of this post

    Viagra on 4 wheels


    I will just leave this here”

    The grey car is nice enough, but what does the gold car inside it look like?

    If thats a picture of megan with that big wedge of cheese on wheels, I will buy her a goddamned car!

    I crashed into one once. It was there in front of me all along, I guess it just didnt register in my mind.

    Found in Melbourne.
    Buildings full of pure awesome

    Last time I napped in a car I drove under a truck!
    Very nasty. Never drive tired

    I think i rode in that car once.. or maybe it was the acid i dropped an hour earlier