
Unless Mueller gets him good, I really think he might get away with it. The never-ending deluge of scandal seems to help him, because there’s so much shit being revealed constantly that I really think it’s a wash with most people because they just can’t keep up. He got elected being this nuts, he might continue to

With that one sentence I started  debating if Tori Spelling’s falling out with her family made her a stronger person. The cult like Trump kids support does not at all speak well of Trump.

As a size 18, I have no emotional baggage at all shopping in the plus size department. I would be absolutely mortified to shop in a Fabulously Sized department.

Just no. No to this. This makes me think that the whole section is just going to be boxy cat tees covered in sequins and glitter. JUST OFFER THE SAME FUCKING CLOTHES IN LARGER SIZES. HAVE THEM ON THE SAME GODDAMN RACKS.

I am increasingly sure this storm is actually on a trajectory to Jeff.

God bless Hillary Clinton, and may we one day be worth of her. FUCK THE PATRIARCHY.

He was unlikely to know it was a reserve officer. The guy was on fire so they didn’t rifle his pockets at the scene. The officer was going to do the blood draw - that’s his job. My guess - so he could adulterate the sample, hence his desperation to get it done fast so that there could be no doubts raised about

I’m on board. We’re having an old fashioned piano viewing party. Today sucks so I’m ok pretending it’s the early Aughts again.

They really fucked up his character. I refuse to acknowledge the terrible guy they turned him into and prefer to think of him as how he was portrayed for most of the series: a flawed but ultimately loving guy. Can the original Danny and his red glasses and mesmerizing dance skills please be on the last season?

Last I saw, Messina’s character had become a controlling, abusive piece of shit. Which was really sad for my husband and me, because we loved their relationship at first. I hope Messina’s character dies this season.

Celebrities are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. If they don’t speak out they are not “using their platform”. If they do speak out, they will definitely make a mistake (because they’re human) and people tell them they are out of touch and to stfu. Suddenly they are cancelled because of how “problematic”

*sigh* We invariably play host to what I call “The Cock of The Walk,” a male commenter who seemingly appears overnight,exerts dominance, get’s ungreyed then proceeds to dictate to the rest of us. I can remember half a dozen of them who have come and - thankfully- gone. The best we can do is let our dissatisfaction

Oh my god, WHY is that dude always the first to post on articles with his long-ass condescending comments??

I think her real misery stemmed from the fact that she married a man who did not love her, and she knew it right from the start. So if she was ‘hysterical ‘, it was probably because no matter what she did he just didn’t care about her, and that sent her into tailspins.

My Mom likes to say its clear she had all these issues that it wasn’t until adulthood that there was treatment for, but while it was expected for her to be this Barbie doll who just smiled and waved and looked pretty, she realized she was in a position to change things and so she decided to do so.

This. So much better than Moral Dictata’s grandstanding.

They talk about how she was neurotic and hysterical and this and that... they took a normal 20 year old and threw her into the Palace with a husband who was 32-going-on-70 who dismissed her ideas and never wanted to do what she wanted to do and who had a staff who weren’t necessarily on her side (vs. Camilla). In an

I think you mean Harry (William is very much his father’s son/toy) and it’s well known now that it’s Charles’ PR team that used both the kids to prop up the image of a man very few want as King.

We’re supposed to be fragile, we’re supposed to be needy, we’re supposed to never know our own beauty or value ourselves for our accomplishments or character traits or body, but be always humble. And then when a woman takes it too far, is too fragile, is too needy, hates herself too much, she’s hysterical and society