
In California, People v. Anderson permanently commuted all capital sentences received prior to 1972 to life with the possibility of parole. Life without parole wasn’t on the books at that point, so it couldn’t be used.

Great response to an absolute shit pile of an article from Hannah. I’m embarrassed for her.

I literally just told you the reason to not present evidence is that high value assets would be exposed and their lives in danger. You can believe whatever you want but if you truly believe the FBI, CIA, and NSA got together and spun a huge lie well, maybe they are dumping the chemtrails over my house too.

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.

I still wake up every morning and can’t believe it’s happening.

Now playing

So don’t cry. Just... enjoy and smile. And... fuck it. Cry.

I adore her in Harry Met Sally! She’s so perfectly New York and neurotic and witty and willing to tell her new love that the wagon wheel coffee table has got to go.

Jesus fuck, shut the fuck up. You are an insensitive prick.

This is the last time I will ever respond to you.

Goddamn, you’re just the queen of tone policing tonight.

Oh my God, you can’t be serious. You’re not going to bait me with calling this a”game” or debating whether it’s fair or unfair that babies die of brain cancer. You know what you wrote, and I bet somewhere, deep down, you knew you’d provoke a reaction by writing *sigh* at the end of a sentence where you acknowledged

Shut up. Millions and millions of people have “lived hard” for at least some of their years on this God forsaken planet, enduring what I will very generously call a mixed bag of experience, and I can’t help but notice that fucking Dick Cheney is somehow still alive and thriving, while someone kind and intelligent like

Can you stop giving people grief for their feelings? It’s not helping anything.

Fuck you again, and no, you haven’t, as evidenced by, well, reading.

Oh, my fucking GOD how much energy are you putting into going through this thread and shitting on everyone who is upset? You are truly a garbage person.

Can you shut the hell up already and just let people vent however they want to on the internet? Jesus Christ!

Maybe you think you’re helping? You’re not.

Also I actually do have a Princess Leia costume, just not for a fellow Bully love id hope Carrie would get a laugh out of it.

I’m a woman who hero-worshipped Leia Organa while growing up, and is now 23 years old, living with bipolar disorder, loves to write, and hero-worships Carrie Fisher. Please, God, no.