
Looks like it will be an entertaining two hours. I look froward to it.

Looks like it will be an entertaining two hours. I look froward to it.

Looks like it will be an entertaining two hours. I look froward to it. exactly am I going to watch these unless my screen can support that res? No point at all for the average person.

This works good! My FB games don't work :(

That pencil stand is awesome. But I would do it with unsharpened pencils.

Until the Earth stops spinning we will NEVER know.

The problem with today's video cards is the main CPU! The CPU is now the bottleneck along with most HDDs.

$1 for a TV show? I get whole 2 hour movies for $1 from RedBox. Soon, BD movies for $1.50.

Looks interesting. Can't wait to see if turns into anything real. My 35 year old eyes can't imagine using anything that small though!

Um...Dell has done this for a while now. I think they look cool!

For only 8 minutes? I'm guessing that 8 min will just wind up on the internet somewhere. But I know more then a handful of people that will rush to see this.

That looks awesome. I might just pick that up.

@smegz: That's TWO clicks. One to open safari and another to click a link.

Looks boring to me...