
And blacks haven't been exploiting white culture for comedic affect, social climbing etc., black acceptance? Consider what you just wrote. According you your definition, blacks getting welfare and "special" consideration regarding just about everything you can name are actually being punished? How does that work? You

If it's not racist, then why use the name Becky? Not Sheniqua, not Tequanda, but Becky. I see blacks using this technique a lot and then backing off when it's revealed they're the most racist people on the planet. Just an observation.

The only person who can say whether a ghetto slang term is racist is the person involved. Upset that I used ghetto? Then you're probably a ghetto rat.

LOL. Yes, that eye rolling and lip curling take a lot out of her.

What bothers me so much about this show, is it shows how much romance has really been downgraded by this generation. Getting laid is hardly how I would want to consider a loving relationship and maybe that's why Katrina seemed to foreign to shippers. Regard for women and loyalty to one's spouse was one of the things

Really? I often wonder how these shipping fans claim to be all knowing when it comes to acting. Apparently, looking pissed, eye rolling and lip smacking are all that is needed. Any wiff of femininity and you're a bad-acting WHITE woman. Ichabbie loud mouths demanded to see Abbie Hollow and here it is. Shoving the

Hmmm. Sounds like what they did to Katia Winter and her very promising Katrina role. But then, we'll never now because a certain out of control group robbed us of the SH characters that made this show work. I haven't seen the dumbed down version, but just a video here and there is enough to confirm that Abbie Hollow