
I can see the emperor making sure the chip only reacted to him to avoid Tarkin or somebody else with Imperial authority from using the clones in a coup attempt.

That was the gist I got from Order 66: total subservience to the Emperor/Empire. Otherwise, how would these troopers justify (or cope with) killing some of their war buddies after the fact? I figured Order 66 removed all semblance of free will and culpability. (Maybe it still does, but only lasts for so long? Perhaps

My biggest beef with the show is my beef with seemingly all the Star Wars shows. Instead of expanding the universe they keep shrinking it. Nearly every episode of Bad Batch features a cameo or side character or origin story from another show. It’s maddening. Just make new characters! We love Rex and Hera and Cad Bane

Yes, especially on a show called The Bad Batch.

I’m positive this episode will pay off in future episodes. but removing the focus from characters that The Bad Batch have so far actively ignored (like Tech, like Echo) to build up characters who have already had their day in the limelight (like Hera, like Cham) is a problem. no matter how well that episode is made.

If somebody can understand (or “get”) the merits of the show they’re watching only if they’ve watched every moment of another show, then that show’s got problems. that’s how I feel about it.

So, Rebels made old clones look like Santa in a wifebeater? I wish I could un-see that.

Half the guest cast got more characterisation in one episode than any of the Batch did in the entire show so far.

Bad Batch is my first Star Wars cartoon, and if we don't spend more time with these characters, I will consider this episode to have been largely a wasted opportunity.

I’m a big Rebels and Hera fan, but I definitely agree that I would rather get episodes exploring the character of the Bad Batch. 

That’ll come, I bet. One thing I’ve always gotten from Filoni’s shows is the impressive amount of setup and states-setting that goes on in the early going, which lends the Master Conflict that much more weight when it comes to a head.

I’m really enjoying it, though I’m still hoping for more Crosshair/Empire intrigues. Feels light on those.

I was super dubious of this show when it was announced, but it’s ending up being the look into the transitional period from Galactic Republic to Galactic Empire I’ve always wanted. I wan’t a fan of Resistance but this show is working with an actual narrative. Good stuff. 

This was a really good, mostly quiet, episode. A lot of great story beats.

Poor space pangolin. Apparently even in a galaxy far, far away, Chinese medicine is a thing.

And what do you think the Argylls ate in the Aiden? Arabs?

i think they stole that scene from monty python.

I’m going to join those saying that the Tuunbaq seems so unnecessary to the plot or at least its supernatural elements. I felt the same way about the book and I do think the show has tempered /some/ of that (not all, but some). I mean a regular old polar bear would have done the trick.

I know its probably been mentioned before, but the unsung hero of this entire show- and it has been brilliantly done so far- has been the score. The music sounds are so...odd? at times- slightly unnatural. Like tension made aural. Its just incredible and this series has been wonderful overall. I will definitely be

I was just thinking about this! I get nervous and uncomfortable every time Hickey is on screen (wondering when he was going to start eating people was a hell of a bit of tension). There’s anxiety and fear in watching these poor men starve to death and succumb to poison, turning on one another and clawing at their soft