JE McManus

You're correct and your opinion is valued. TWD gets it right in a variety of ways but it lacks in synergistic packaging more often than not. I'd rather have good story telling than a newer, more appalling looking zombie anyday.

wouldn't it have been a lot simpler to just let Beth disappear in the cross laden car and NOT show up again for the foreseeable (or not) future? Why dedicate so much time to the hospital plot line, which was weak, just to kill off a character (acting uncharacteristically just before her demise) that had already

Don't you mean the Griswald family?

Was she really pushed to the limit? I don't think she was there, while conscious, more than what….a week? She certainly didn't seem to be one of the other female victims that actively engaged in sex to keep the guards happy. So really, what pushed her to the limit? Enough to pull out the shears and stab away….A boy

I cannot WAIT until the new season of PD comes up. Eva Green blew everyone out of the water with her character and the rest of the ensemble cast just nailed it every episode!!!!

It did just the opposite in my book. I thought it was poorly written, rushed, and completely ridiculous, especially after so much time was devoted to her story and her way of being.

I posted my thoughts about Beth, above, but you reminded me of one point I'd overlooked, e.g. Beth putting others at risk during her scissor stab attack. Just another thing that was completely OUT of character for her and far less shocking than it was annoying.

Agreed, agreed, and agreed! It was a cheap ploy with an objective to wrap things up with speed rather than one iota of quality or logic.

This is true. It was Beth. The problem is that her reaction to Dawn demanding Noah back pretty much defied everything we were learning about her character. The Beth we were seeing focused material on would have worked with her team to get Noah back rather than suddenly go knee jerk into stab mode in the midst of a

Advanced and, unfortunately, a sore point for me as far as even remotely enforcing believability with regard to this particular storyline. Sutter wants us to buy in to way too much action / reaction based on (at least) pre-teenaged, critical thinking packaged into a five year old character that can barely form a

Yes! I asked the same aloud along with the added observation that Gemma, while accused, was not arrested for gouging her grandson's forearm.

How did Gemma NOT get arrested?

I'm just now watching the 1st 4 episodes - back to back. You're prediction is valid!

meteor destroying the state of California <—they should have hired you to produce the finale. I'm serious!

I believe the key left on Lucy's kitchen table was his - for her. Time will tell.

Wonderful observations, SK. I really do think, though, that the coke was only used topically to numb the hymen when it broke. There were no syringes on the floor. Just vials.

So grateful on this end that I gave that infamous pilot a second chance. Once in I was hooked and never looked back.

Don't be terrified. I have dreaded watching this episode all week. Once it opens you might feel a strange catharsis, filled with an emotional roller coaster ride that ends in acceptance and an ethereal, spiritual sense of uplift….Just my take.