
Did you seriously just cite “Vikings” as a historical resource? That show is a hot mess as far as costuming and hairstyling goes. Not saying that the Norse didn’t braid your hair, I’m just saying that you shouldn’t look to *that show* as a source of any sort of history except it’s own. That’s like taking your historic

Like in the movie ‘signs’ where the long alien fingers dart under the pantry door?

You can’t really back off and see how he handles it when you have 8 lives in your hands.

I actually agree with a lot of what you are saying. My connection with Kate is that I had had two children fall in my lap and became an instant mom (sister who couldn’t take care of her kids ) and I did not relate to talking to children as if they were unable to understand. Kate in her best moments role modeled for me

Well, to be fair, she’s a model, and for some fairly high-end campaigns. My guess was more “so this is what the fashion industry is doing now” than it was “ha, ha, look at that kid’s brows.”

With this Lady Gaga , Linda Perry story I’m still trying to understand What’s Going on?

Oh please - let’s talk about another great parent of rock: Iggy Pop - from that time that he as an adult drug addict got a 14 year old pregnant. There’s a ton of other rock star dude parents who fell really short - like neglectful, not paying child support, uninvolved in their children’s lives whatsoever. Remember

Twix: eat the chocolate and caramel off the top, then eat cookie.