
He wears like a 78 waist right?

I agree with some of this. If you’re at a non crossfit gym and you’re wearing metcons then you’ve wasted your money.

The Great White Hype

Long is very real. That’s the man who broke Simmons foot last summer. Now we have to rely on another D league player to shatter our hopes and dreams.

That was probably the most bizarre games I’ve ever watched. The goalie appears to have died. They call in the back up who was being driven in from Lehigh and wasn’t on the bench to start the game. He proceeds to get a shut out. They try to play the other goalie who was on his couch as the game started with 30 seconds

I went to Penn State the same time Odrick did. A few of my friends had a disagreement with some girls and kicked them out of their apartment.

Clock unplugged. Taking a contested 3 with 16 seconds left when they need 2. It happened more than once.

Do you watch Sixers games? Dario needs more minutes and Ersan is a total liability on D. He’s gone after this year and they just got 2 second rounders for him. They won’t be any shittier without him.

I would love to know how “serious” this relationship is. If it’s less than 2 years the fine. No big deal. Get your own place. Any more than that you’re just protecting yourself and refusing to commit any farther to the person you're with. Which is fine if you want to be alone in your mid 50s sorrounded by cats.

This has been a great debate between me and my friends for quite some time. If you’re an engineer or into advanced stat or you end up in law school then yes that degree is important. But the time, money and energy put behind those degrees drastically outweighs what I put into my bullshit arts degree. Full disclosure I

When someone proposes it comes from a place of selflessness. You’re offering to share everything with that person for the rest of your lives.